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Name Job Title
Carole Thorogood (Chair) (CT) External Governor
Sarah Akhtar (SA) External Governor
Simon Bedford (SB) from item 5 External Governor
Anja Beriro (AB) External Governor
Patricia Harman (PH) External Governor
David Marlow (DM) External Governor
Liz Mossop (LM) External Governor
Helen Smurthwaite (HS) from item 7 External Governor
Andrew Unitt (AU) External Governor
Steve Wooler (SW) External Governor
Janet Smith (JS) CEO/Principal
Kirsty Bailey (KB) Staff Governor
Sultana Begum (SBm) Staff Governor
Vanessa Yeung (VY) Student Governor
Kyle Thompson-Young (KTY) Student Governor

In attendance:

Name Job Title
Andrew Comyn (AC) CFO/Deputy CEO
Lisa Wilson (LW) Executive Director Employer Services
Ruth Perry (RP) VP Innovation and Improvement
Rachel Wadsworth (RW) VP Curriculum and Support
Cheryl English (CE) VP Marketing and Student Journey
Rachel Robson (RR) Director of Governance
Jo Welham (JW) Governance and Corporate Support Manager
David Hoose (DH) from item 15 Mazars
Tamsin Eastwood (TE) from item 15 Stone King
Tom Morrison (TM) from item 15 Stone King

1.0 Welcome and Apologies 

The Chair welcomed all to the meeting. Apologies were received from Andrew Simpson and Sharon Townes.

2.0 Declarations of Interest 

Interests declared: 

  • JS 
    • CEO/Principal Nottingham College 
    • Trustee and Board Member of Skills and Education Group (SEG), awarding organisation and charity 
    • Ofsted Inspector - Member of D2N2 LEP Principals’ Group 
    • Member of the Performance and Quality Committee of Futures Group 
  • LM 
    • Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Development & Engagement), University of Lincoln 
  • RR
    • Governance consultant Stone King 

No other declarations of interest were received in relation to matters on this agenda.

3.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The Board reviewed the non-confidential minutes from the previous meeting on 16th October 2023 (distributed as CORP.131223.003) and resolved that the minutes be approved as a true record.

4.0 Actions and Matters Arising 

4.1 Action tracker 

There were no open actions 

4.2 Matters arising 

There were no matters arising.

5.0 CEO/Principal Report

SB joined the meeting 

JS presented the report to the Board (distributed as CORP.131223.003). She took governors through the key points in the report: 

  • The threat of industrial action ended following a final ballot which failed to meet the threshold for strike action. The college is working with unions and colleagues to find practical solutions to workload issues. 
  • Opportunities presented by a new partnership with University of Derby as part of the college’s mixed economy model of working with universities. The Board was supportive of this work, noting the need to be strategic in who the college choses to work with. JS highlighted the synergies particularly around teacher training and health. She confirmed that the college will continue to work with existing partners. 
  • The college has made excellent progress with the post intervention monitoring and support (PIMS) but has agreed with the ESFA and FE Commissioner’s team to continue in the process pending the completion of refinancing for loan related action only. 
  • Nottingham City Council has issued a section 114 notice. The possible implications of this for the college will be picked up later in the agenda.

6.0 Strategic Plan 

6.1 Governor Dashboard 

JS presented governor dashboard providing governors with oversight of progress against the strategic plan for the first quarter of 2023/24 (distributed as CORP.131223.004). She noted that this includes the measures previously requested by the board. A governor supported the information included in the dashboard and asked if this could be extended to include PDR compliance as a metric suggesting that this may provide a useful measure to link people and quality. JS confirmed that she thought this could be added and would look at this ahead of the next meeting. (Action JS)

A governor noted that as not all measures run throughout the academic year it is hard to tell if some areas are ahead or behind target. This was acknowledged, and it was confirmed that the dashboard would be added to at each meeting to enable governors to see progress throughout the year where possible. A governor questioned whether there could be rolling targets for each measure, JS advised that this would not work for all metrics. A governor noted that this should be viewed as a governor dashboard and not as a KPI report, where an outcome is not available for a particular quarter it would be useful for the dashboard to reflect that. Governors discussed other potential measures for inclusion on the dashboard. A governor queried whether there needed to be a measure for health & safety for the short term. AC confirmed that this was picked up through the strategic risk register.

6.2 Strategic Risk Register 

HS joined the meeting

AC presented the strategic risk register report (distributed as CORP.131223.005). He noted the changes to the register since the last meeting:

  • Increase in RAG rating of strategic risk 3 – major health, safety and well-being failure as a response to the outcome of the health and safety internal audit. 
  • Increase in RAG rating of strategic risk 7 – failure to manage college finances to reflect the refinancing. 

AC noted that the outcome of the recent health and safety internal audit had not been unexpected, he noted that the recommendations had been helpful to focus resource and oversight. All recommendations will be completed by the end of April and an in year follow up review will then be undertaken by RSM. AU noted that as health and safety link governor he had flagged his concerns at the last meeting. HS confirmed that the report had been scrutinised by the audit committee who had requested the in year follow up. A governor queried why strategic risk 12 – not creating a positive compliance culture, remained static in light of the health and safety report outcome, did the recommendations reflect a lack of compliance. AC confirmed that this was a much wider issue and so was reflected in the increase to strategic risk 3. A governor emphasised the importance of all those present being assured around health and safety issues. AC accepted this and confirmed that all staff concerned were involved in progressing the action plan now in place, oversight has been strengthened at all levels, all managers are to receive training and the follow up audit will ensure the completion of recommendations in a timely way. 

A governor questioned how governors had sight of the mitigations and improvement actions sitting behind the strategic risk register. AC confirmed that the detail was contained in the underlying operational risk registers that were considered at committee level as appropriate and by the audit committee. 

The Board resolved to approve the strategic risk register.

7.0 Teaching, Learning and Quality

7.1 Learning and Quality Committee feedback and draft minutes 

PH, the Chair of the Committee, took governors through a summary of the Learning and Quality Committee meeting held on 20th November (distributed as CORP.131223.006). 

7.2 Vice Principal Innovation and Improvement Summary Report 

RP highlighted the key points in her report (distributed as CORP.131223.007). She highlighted to governors the improvement response rates to the term 1 student survey and the apprenticeship survey and noted the increase in the average positive responses. 

7.3 Vice Principal Curriculum and Support Summary Report 

RP presented her summary report (distributed as CORP.131223.008). She confirmed to governors that the focus for assistant principals in term 1 has been student engagement and attendance, attendance is monitored weekly and attendance officers will be in place at each campus from January. The increase in students with support needs continues to increase, discussions with DfE and ESFA to assess whether further funding is available are ongoing.

7.4 Executive Director of Employer Services Report 

LW updated the Board on the key points in her report (distributed as CORP.131223.009): 

  • Recent success in bids and bids awaiting outcomes 
  • New contracts secured by the growth and innovation team 

7.5 Self-Assessment Report (SAR) 22/23 and Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) 23/24 

RP presented the SAR and QIP to the board (distributed as CORP.131223.010). She noted the review process, including governor involvement and the role of the L&Q Committee. It was suggested that all link governors should familiarise themselves with the relevant sections of the SAR and QIP ahead of link visits. Review of progress against the QIP will be undertaken by the L&Q Committee. A governor asked if the QIP is reviewed at every meeting of L&Q. RP confirmed that the committee takes a deep dive into an objective selected by governors at the meetings in the spring and summer terms. A governor noted the more succinct actions in this year’s QIP and asked if progress across areas is reviewed. RP confirmed that progress is reviewed through the year with actions in place to drive improvement. A governor asked to what extent staff have an awareness of what outstanding looks like to be able to move areas from a grade 2 to a grade 1. RP advised that some areas are now self-assessing as outstanding and that good practice is shared throughout the college. She confimed that colleagues are also working with other colleges to gain further insight and understanding. A governor noted the challenges in English and maths. RP confirmed that this was a key area for improvement with significant action plans in pace to drive the required improvements. In accordance with the recommendation from the Learning and Quality Committee, the Board resolved to approve the SAR and QIP. 

7.6 Residential Policy 

Following the recommendation from the Learning and Quality Committee, the Board resolved to approve the Residential Policy (distributed as CORP.131223.011).

8.0 Safeguarding

The Board reviewed the quarter 1 safeguarding report (distributed as CORP.131223.012). A governor queried whether the number of incidents reported was considered high. RW offered some context and confirmed that this was the number of incidents not the number of students, some students could have multiple incidents reported. She noted that bench marking against other colleges was very difficult. A governor queried the consistency in the reporting of incidents and how these were reported. RW confirmed that the majority of reported incidents were generated by staff who were well trained and able to identify incidents. A governor asked whether the impact of the number of incidents being dealt with was considered. RW confirmed that colleagues received the necessary raining, resource and support to enable them to deal with incidents. AC noted that all colleagues understand the importance of safeguarding across the college. The Chair thanked PH for her continued work as safeguarding link governor but highlighted that responsibility continued to rest with the board as a whole.

9.0 Governance and Search Committee Feedback

9.1 Governance and Search Committee feedback and draft minutes 

CT, the Chair of the Committee, took governors through a summary of the Governance and Search Committee meeting held on 13th November (distributed as CORP.131223.013). It was noted that the committee had agreed to additional mandatory training in GDPR and cyber-security for governors as these are now required by the college’s insurers. Details of training modules will be shared with governors. 

9.2 Governor attendance target 23/24 

Following the recommendation from the Governance and Search Committee, the Board resolved to approve that the overall attendance expectation for all board and committee meetings should be 100% with a minimum of 80% attendance expected. 

9.3 External Governance Review 

The board received the External Governance Review report following the review undertaken by Governance 4FE (distributed as CORP.131223.014). Following the recommendation from the Governance and Search Committee, the Board resolved to approve the report and the proposed summary for publication, subject to the agreement of the reviewer. 

9.4 Development Plan 22/23 – closing position 

The board received and, as recommended by the Governance and Search Committee, resolved to approve the closing position of the development plan 22/23 (distributed as CORP.131223.015). 

9.5 Self- Assessment Report 22/23 and Development Plan 23/24 – closing position 

The board received and, as recommended by the Governance and Search Committee resolved to approve the report and the evaluation that governance was ‘good’ in 22/23 (distributed as CORP.131223.016). The development plan 23/24 will be monitored through the committee.

10.0 Finance and Assets Committee Feedback

10.1 Finance and Assets Committee feedback and draft minutes 

AU, the Committee Chair, presented the draft minutes and feedback report from the Finance and Assets Committee meeting on 27th November (distributed as CORP.131223.017). 

10.2 Management accounts P3 

Governors received the P3 management accounts for the month ended 31 October (distributed as CORP.131223.018). AC noted that budget comparisons in the report are the revised budget figures agreed by the board at the October meeting. He advised that as the production of this set of accounts coincide with the annual audit work these were less detailed than usual.

10.3 Applications and Enrolment Report 

The Board received the Applications and Enrolment report (distributed as CORP.131223.019). CE confirmed that the college had enjoyed a successful 23/24 admissions cycle, with over 7000 16-19 students enrolled and, to date, retained. HE numbers are close to target with further enrolments to follow in January and growth of 8% already achieved. AEB is on track to achieve 110% of budget by year end. 

10.4 CPD Policy 

Following the recommendation from the Finance and Assets Committee, the Board resolved to approve the CPD Policy (distributed as CORP.131223.020). 

10.5 LGPS Discretions Policy 

Following the recommendation from the Finance and Assets Committee, the Board resolved to approve the LGPS Discretions Policy (distributed as CORP.131223.021). 

10.6 Pay Policy 

Following the recommendation from the Finance and Assets Committee, the Board resolved to approve the Pay Policy (distributed as CORP.131223.022).

11.0 Audit Committee Feedback 

11.1 Audit Committee feedback and minutes 

HS, the committee Chair, presented the draft minutes and feedback report from the Audit Committee meeting on 4th December (distributed as CORP.131223.023). She highlighted the main items for discussion at the meeting and the items being recommended for approval. 

11.2 Data Retention and Disposal Policy 

In accordance with the recommendation from the Audit Committee the Board resolved to approve the Data Retention and Disposal Policy (distributed as CORP.131223.024).

12.0 AOB 

There were no items of AOB. 

13.0 Date of the Next Meeting

031 The next board meeting will take place on Monday 25th March 2024. The Strategy Day will be held on Saturday 20th January 2024.