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Name Job Title
Carole Thorogood (Chair) (CT) External Governor
Sarah Akhtar (SA) from item External Governor
Simon Bedford (SB) External Governor
Anja Beriro (AB) External Governor
David Marlow (DM) External Governor
Andrew Simpson (AS) External Governor
Helen Smurthwaite (HS) External Governor
Sharon Townes (ST) External Governor
Andrew Unitt (AU) External Governor
Steve Wooler (SW) External Governor
Janet Smith (JS) CEO/Principal
Kirsty Bailey (KB) Staff Governor
Sultana Begum (SBm) Staff Governor
Vanessa Yeung (VY) Student Governor
Kyle Thompson-Young (KTY) Student Governor

In attendance:

Name Job Title
Andrew Comyn (AC) CFO/Deputy CEO
Lisa Wilson (LW) Executive Director Employer Services
Ruth Perry (RP)
Rachel Wadsworth (RW)
Cheryl English (CE)
Rachel Robson (RR) Director of Governance
Jo Welham (JW) Governance and Corporate Support Manager
Fiona Chalk (FC) Governance 4FE

1.0 Welcome and Apologies

001 The Chair welcomed all to the meeting. Apologies were received from Patricia Harman (PH) and Liz Mossop. Andy Griffin did not attend. It was noted that FC was observing the meeting as part of the External Governance Review.

2.0 Declarations of Interest

002 Interests declared: 

  • JS 
    • CEO/Principal Nottingham College 
    • Trustee and Board Member of Skills and Education Group (SEG), awarding organisation and charity 
    • Ofsted Inspector - Member of D2N2 LEP Principals’ Group 
  • LM 
    • Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Development & Engagement), University of Lincoln 
  • RR 
    • Governance consultant Stone King 
  • AB 
    • Law firm acts for a college subcontractor 

No other declarations of interest were received in relation to matters on this agenda.

3.0 Appointment of Student Governors 

003 RR updated governors on the process undertaken to nominate the staff and student governors (distributed as CORP.161023.002). The student governors nominated for 23/24 are Vanessa Yeung , who is a second year level 3 student studying animal management at Basford, and Kyle Thompson-Young, a second year level 3 engineering student studying at Highfields. PH will provide mentor support to the two governors. Both students will also be members of Learning and Quality Committee. The Board were asked to appoint Sultana Begum a lecturer in science and an advance practitioner, as the academic staff governor. SBm will also be a member of the Learning & Quality Committee. 

004 The Board resolved to appoint Vanessa Yeung and Kyle Thompson-Young to serve as student governors for the 23/24 academic year.

005 The Board resolved to appoint Sultana Begum as the academic staff governor for a period of 2 years to 31 July 2025.

4.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

4.1 Minutes 

006 The Board reviewed the non-confidential minutes from the previous meeting on 3 July 2023 (distributed as CORP.161023.003) and resolved that the minutes be approved as a true record. 

4.2 Written Resolutions 

007 The Board received the outcomes of written resolutions taken since the last meeting (distributed as CORP.161023.004).

5.0 Actions and Matters Arising

5.1 Action tracker 

008 Governors reviewed the action tracker (distributed as CORP.161023.005). It was noted that it has not been possible to arrange meetings with other providers at governor level, the Board agreed to close the action. The Duty to Review Report is on this agenda, action noted to be complete. 

5.2 Matters arising 

009 There were no matters arising.

6.0 CEO/Principal Report 

010 JS presented the report to the Board (distributed as CORP.161023.006). She took governors through the key points in the report: 

  • Unexpected announcement by the Prime minister of a new Baccalaureate style Advanced British Standard to replace A levels and T levels. A governor queried whether this change would be likely if there were a change of government at the next election. JS confirmed that labour is in favour of looking at level 3 reform and so are the AoC, so some kind of change is likely. A governor noted the extra teaching hours being suggested and questioned whether the college would be able to recruit sufficient skilled teachers. JS noted the growth achieved in 23/24 and that this was already placing pressure on staff and on the college estate. A governor queried the likely timescale for introduction if the changes were to be implemented. JS noted that the suggestion was 10 years and highlighted the implications of the current changes to level 3. A governor queried whether the changes should be viewed as an opportunity or a threat. JS confirmed in her view the changes suggested by the Prime Minister should be viewed as an opportunity but noted the challenges that would lay ahead. Governors considered the potential impact on the success of the T levels
  • Pay negotiations are progressing following the allocation of the additional funding over the summer for the sector. JS updated governors on the UCU ballot and the current topics being discussed. This will be considered in detail later in the meeting. 
  • All D2N2 colleges seeking to work together to meet with mayoral candidates to introduce them to the work of the sector in delivering adult education and skills. A governor queried whether the financial arrangements at Nottingham City Council would impact devolution, JS confirmed that it would not. 
  • Options for the Arthur Mee campus continue to be explored.

7.0 Strategic Plan

7.1 Governor Dashboard 

011 JS presented the report including the ELT responsibilities in relation to the strategic objectives and the proposed governor dashboard to enable oversight of progress (distributed as CORP.161023.007). The scorecard seeks to include metrics that are mapped to each of the strategic objectives, each metric will have a target against which progress can be tracked at each Board meeting. RAG ratings will be applied to ensure all areas of risk are clearly visible. In addition JS proposed that a Strategic Impact Assessment is developed and shared annually with governors at the strategy day in January. 

012 Governors were supportive of the proposals noting that RAG rated targets and progress through the year being available at every meeting would enable oversight from the Board. JS confirmed that in 23/24 the progress would be organic and can be refined. The Board resolved to approve the dashboard noting that changes may be required as the process evolves. 

7.2 Strategic Risk Register 

013 AC presented the strategic risk register report (distributed as CORP.161023.008). he confirmed that further refinements continue to be made. He highlighted the changes made since the last meeting noting the RAG rating. Governors noted that the strategic risk register will be reviewed by ELT every half term. Governors queried the use of the scoring and risk appetite wording in terms of their understanding. The Board resolved to approve the strategic risk register.

8.0 Duty to Review

014 LW presented the Duty to Review report (distributed as cORP.161023.009), she confirmed that the purpose of the report is to outline the college’s analysis of how well the college offer meets the needs of the local labour and creates pathways for leaners to meaningful employment. The college has been involved in pilot work and is an early adopter. A governor queried why there was no direct reference to logistics. LW confirmed that the obligation of the college was to respond to the Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) which does not place direct emphasis on logistics but that this is included in other areas. The Board resolved to approve the report for submission to the DfE and publication on the college website.

9.0 Teaching, Learning and Quality Feedback

9.1 Learning and Quality Committee feedback and draft minutes 

015 In the absence of PH ST (Vice Chair of the Committee) took governors through a summary of the Learning and Quality Committee meeting held on 25th September (distributed as CORP.161023.010). 

9.2 Vice Principal Innovation and Improvement Summary Report 

016 RP highlighted the key points in her report (distributed as CORP.161023.011). A governor asked for further clarity on how the GCSE delivery model had been overhaled and how this would support improvement. RP confirmed that Heads of English and maths are now in place in a more centralised model. Further staff development has taken place and some staff moved on over the summer. A significant change is the extra ties of leadership to manage outcomes. A governor noted poorly performing A level science areas and queried the interventions in place. RP confirmed that a different model was being considered in sciences to support improvement. 

9.3 Vice Principal Curriculum and Support Summary Report 

017 RP presented her summary report (distributed as CORP.161023.012). She confirmed that all recommendations from the external investigation into trips and been implemented over the summer and that new guidance has been shared alongside refresher training. A governor asked if the guidance had been reviewed by lawyers. RP confirmed that it had instead been reviewed by the external consultant that carried out the review. 

9.4 Executive Director of Employer Services Report 

018 LW updated the Board on the key points in her report (distributed as CORP.161023.013): 

  • Progress against the Accountability Agreement 
  • Apprenticeship is strong and the quality of education remains good 
  • Recent success in bids 
  • New contracts secured by the growth and innovation team

9.5 HE Report 

019 JS explained the key points of the report to governors (distributed as CORP.161023.014): 

  • the work undertaken by the new Assistant Principal Higher Education since her appointment. 
  • Outcomes 22/23 
  • Award of overall TEF rating of bronze 
  • National Student Survey outcomes 

9.6 Policy review 

020 Following the recommendation from the Learning and Quality Committee, the Board resolved to approve the Statement of Expectations, Responsibilities and Obligations Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech (distributed as cORP.161023.015). JS thanked Liz Mossop for her support in the preparation of the statement.

10.0 Safeguarding 

021 The Board reviewed the annual safeguarding report 22/23 (distributed as CORP.161023.016). RW confirmed that PH continues to attend the Safeguarding Steering Group in her role as safeguarding link governor.

11.0 Finance and Assets Committee Feedback

11.1 Finance and Assets Committee feedback and draft minutes 

022 AU, the committee Chair presented the draft minutes and feedback report from the Finance and Assets Committee meeting on 2nd October (distributed as CORP.161023.017). The committee had been pleased to review the P12 management accounts, noting that all budget targets had been met and that reporting had been consistent and open throughout 22/23. AU noted that the committee wanted to draw the board’s attention to the Health & Safety Report (item 11.4); the committee was not satisfied that the report adequately reflected the need for improvement across the college, this has been reflected in the updated summary report to the Board. 

11.2 Management accounts P12 

023 Governors received the P12 management accounts for the year ended 31 July (distributed as CORP.161023.018). AC noted that the college had identified some risk in meeting the budget in early 2023, but that action plans put into place improved performance in the second half of the year. EBITDA above budget has been achieved as have the 3 bank covenants. 

11.3 Applications and Enrolment Report 

024 The Board received the Applications and Enrolment report (distributed as CORP.161023.019). CE confirmed that the college was predicting 16-19 numbers of approximately 7000, she attributed this to the Ofsted ‘good’, a decrease in the rate of withdrawal and a more effective and better informed enrolment process. A governor queried internal progression. CE confirmed that 16-19 internal progression was up on the previous year and that the college would look to increase that again for 24/25. A governor asked for clarity on the impact of demographics. CE confirmed that the number of 16 year olds was due to peak in 2028. Governors noted the increase in the number of adults enrolled and questioned why. CE noted that the college had gone to market earlier this year and that this had proved to be a successful approach. Governors queried what positive changes could be made to the enrolment process for 24/25. CE highlighted the need to increase internal progression, to increase engagement with schools and to build on the things that worked for 23/24.

11.4 Health and Safety Annual Report and Policy Approval 

025 Governors received the Health & safety annual Report and updated Policy (distributed as CORP.161023.020). AC noted the comments from AU and confirmed that the college could do better in this area. Whilst there are no major risks, he noted the need to support colleagues to better understand their roles and responsibilities. He advised that an internal audit is due to report in November. Governors resolved to approve the updated policy.

12.0 Audit Committee Feedback

12.1 Audit Committee feedback and minutes 

026 HS, the committee Chair, presented the draft minutes and feedback report from the Audit Committee meeting on 18th September (distributed as CORP.161023.021). She highlighted the main items for discussion at the meeting and the items being recommended for approval. 

12.2 Internal Audit Annual Report 22/23 

027 The Board received the Internal Audit Annual Report 22/23. AC highlighted the overall opinion. As recommended by the Audit Committee the Board resolved to approve the report (distributed as CORP.161023.022). 

12.3 Regularity SAQ 

028 Following the recommendation from the Audit Committee, the Board resolved to approve Regularity SAQ (distributed as CORP.161023.023). 

12.4 Incident Management and Business Continuity Policy 

029 In accordance with the recommendation from the Audit Committee the Board resolved to approve the Incident Management and Business Continuity Policy (distributed as CORP.161023.024).

13.0 AOB 

030 There were no items of AOB. 

14.0 Date of the Next Meeting

031 The next Board meeting will take place on Wednesday 13th December 2023.