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Name Job Title
Carole Thorogood (Chair) (CT) External Governor
Sarah Akhtar (SA) External Governor
Simon Bedford (SB) External Governor
Anja Beriro (AB) External Governor
Andy Griffin (AG) External Governor
Patricia Harman (PH) External Governor
David Marlow (DM) External Governor
Liz Mossop (LM) External Governor
Andrew Simpson (AS) External Governor
Helen Smurthwaite (HS) External Governor
Sharon Townes (ST) External Governor
Steve Wooler (SW) External Governor
Janet Smith (JS) CEO/Principal
Kirsty Bailey (KB) Staff Governor
Sultana Begum (SBm) Staff Governor
Vanessa Yeung (VY) from item 9 Student Governor

In attendance:

Name Job Title
Andrew Comyn (AC) CFO/Deputy CEO
Lisa Wilson (LW) Executive Director Employer Services
Ruth Perry (RP) VP Innovation and Improvement
Rachel Wadsworth (RW) VP Curriculum and Support
Cheryl English (CE) VP Marketing and Student Journey
Emma-Kate Fletcher (EKF) VP People and Culture
Rachel Robson (RR) Director of Governance
Jo Welham (JW) Governance and Corporate Support Manager

1.0 Welcome and Apologies

The Chair welcomed all to the meeting. Apologies were received from Andrew Unitt and Kyle Thompson-Young.

2.0 Declarations of Interest

Interests declared: 

  • JS 
    • CEO/Principal Nottingham College 
    • Trustee and Board Member of Skills and Education Group (SEG), awarding organisation and charity 
    • Ofsted Inspector 
    • Member of D2N2 LEP Principals’ Group 
    • Member of the Performance and Quality Committee of Futures Group 
  • LM 
    • Vice Chancellor, Sheffield Hallam University 
  • RR 
    • Ggovernance consultant Stone King 

No other declarations of interest were received in relation to matters on this agenda.

3.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The Board reviewed the non-confidential minutes from the previous meeting on 13th December 2023 (distributed as CORP.250324.002) and resolved that the minutes be approved as a true record.

4.0 Actions and Matters Arising

4.1 Action tracker 

The action to include PDR compliance on the governor dashboard is complete (tracker distributed as CORP.250324.003). There were no other actions. 

4.2 Matters arising 

There were no matters arising.

5.0 CEO/Principal's Report

JS presented the report (distributed as CORP.250324.004). She took governors through the key points: 

  • The Spring budget reduction in National Insurance and 24/25 funding rates for all levels mean that planned growth in student numbers is essential to achieve continued investment in staff and facilities in line with the college strategy 
  • Mayoral elections for the new EMCCA have been confirmed for 2nd May. JS continues to seek adequate representation for colleges at a governance level within the new authority 

A governor asked about FE representation in other devolved authorities. JS responded that devolved authorities have a better understanding of adult skills budgets than previously, and she is working to bring the region’s college principals together to unite their influence. 

A governor mentioned that there is a college principal in South Yorkshire who is on the business advisory board for that authority. A governor asked about what the election of each mayoral candidate may mean for the college. JS responded that the two candidates most likely to win are those for Labour and the Conservatives, both of whom engage with the college.

6.0 Strategy Plan

6.1 Strategic Impact Assessment 

JS presented the annual draft strategic impact assessment (distributed as CORP.250324.005) which has been revised following feedback from the governors’ strategy day on 20th January. Strategic impact is monitored by governors through the governor dashboard, presented at each board meeting. Curriculum and quality improvement is also measured through the balanced scorecard output of college business reviews, which was shared at the strategy day and is distilled into a summary in the revised report. 

Governors agreed that the strategic impact assessment is now more balanced, and thanked colleagues for their response to the strategy day feedback. There was discussion around the terminology of outstanding and extraordinary, JS explained that both terms are being used, due to the business reviews being aligned with the EIF. 

Governors resolved to approve the strategic impact assessment for 23/24.

6.2 Governor Dashboard 

JS presented the governor dashboard for the second quarter of 2023/24 (distributed as CORP.250324.006). Measures have been altered or added in response to governor feedback at the last board meeting. JS summarised the areas of concern and assured governors these were being worked on. She also drew the board’s attention to the increase in the proportion of staff who consider their pay and recognition deal is fair following the most recent staff satisfaction survey (December 2023). A governor asked for more detail on the outcomes from the most recent staff survey. 

Action – EKF to meet with SA to provide detail on the recent staff survey results 

6.3 Strategic Risk Register 

AC presented the strategic risk register report (distributed as CORP.250324.007). He reported that strategic risk 9, failure to utilise and maximise use of technology, had been changed to amber from green due to uncertainty around investment. A governor asked about plans to ameliorate the funding gap identified. AC responded that this could be achieved through winning grant funding, which has been successful in recent years. 

A governor asked about the impact of any bid not being successful. AC responded that while it would slow digital development, nothing would be prevented. A governor asked how strategic risk 6, unable to maintain and build staffing capacity and capability, related to the sickness absence measure that had been shown in the governor dashboard. AC explained that this was one of the factors that fed into this strategic risk, most of which, such as recruitment and turnover, are being managed well. 

The Board resolved to approve the strategic risk register.

7.0 Annual Accountability Agreement

LW reported to governors on updated government guidance (distributed as CORP.250324.008) which removes the requirement for colleges to report separately every three years on the outcomes of the local needs duty as well as producing an annual accountability agreement. Demonstration of compliance with the statutory duty will now be demonstrated through the publication of an annual accountability statement. Governors noted that the draft accountability statement for 24/25, produced in line with the new guidance, will be presented to the board for approval at its May meeting.

8.0 Annual EDI Report

EKF presented the annual EDI report for 22/23, which had been jointly produced with the quality team (distributed as CORP.250324.009). A governor commented that it would be appreciated if specific information about HE students could be given in future reports. A governor suggested that lived experiences of staff and students with protected characteristics might also be featured, as well as comparison of the diversity of the college’s staff body with its student body. EKF responded that efforts are being made to improve the volume of staff demographic data following implementation of the new Thrive system. 

Governors resolved to approve the EDI report for 22/23 for publication subject to amendment and clarifications as listed in the actions. 


  • Error in infographic to be corrected ahead of publication - CE
  • RP to meet with PH to clarify the commentary around achievement data for those with a learning difficulty 
  • EKF to clarify with DM how gender pay gap results were determined 
  • EKF to share the EDI action plan with SA

9.0 Teaching, Learning and Quality

9.1 Learning and Quality Committee feedback and draft minutes 

PH, the Chair of the Committee, took governors through a summary of the Learning and Quality Committee meeting held on 13th March (distributed as CORP.250324.010). Governors noted the new report from each committee chair to board to highlight what the committee has received assurance on, been alerted to and recommends for approval. 

VY joined the meeting. 

The chair of governors drew the board’s attention to the Outstanding outcome of the recent residential provision Ofsted inspection. Governors thanked everyone involved for their hard work. Following recommendations from the Learning and Quality Committee, the Board resolved to approve the FE and apprenticeship admissions and the HE attendance policies (distributed as CORP.250324.011 and 012). 

9.2 Vice Principal Innovation and Improvement Summary Report 

RP highlighted the key points in her report (distributed as CORP.250324.013). New teacher and management dashboards were demonstrated to the committee which provide a one-stop-shop for all student data. Outcomes of the November resits had been encouraging but cohort size needs increasing. 

9.3 Vice Principal Curriculum and Support Summary Report 

RW presented her summary report (distributed as CORP.250324.014). The action plan for SEND improvements following the recent internal audit is underway. Curriculum planning is well underway and numbers for 24/25 are positive. 

9.4 Executive Director of Employer Services Report 

LW updated the Board on the key points in her report (distributed as CORP.250324.015). Recruitment in apprenticeships is strong for the time of year and achievement is ahead of this time last year. Elearning is being renamed Work Skills and quality improvement is underway. Recording of general work experience placements needs improving and this will be reinforced through the upcoming round of business reviews.

10.0 Safeguarding

The Board reviewed the quarter 2 safeguarding report (distributed as CORP.250324.016). Overall the number and nature of incidents are similar to last year. Action has been focussed on reassuring students and staff of their safety following recent knife incidents in the city. RW and JS are collaborating with colleges in cities with similar issues which has resulted in useful advice. 

A governor asked whether any initiatives related to knife crime required funding. RW responded that the cost of measures being considered is not restrictive. A governor noted that assessing and moderating this external threat is essential to ensure any response is timely and proportionate. RW responded that there is regular dialogue with the city authorities and police, with the college being among the first to be notified whenever there is a local incident. 

A governor queried the increase in incidents involving sexual abuse and harassment over quarter 2. RW highlighted that work was done in the Autumn term with students around recognising harassment and body autonomy which may have led to increased reporting.

11.0 Finance and Assets Committee Feedback

11.1 Finance and Assets Committee feedback and draft minutes 

AS, the Committee Vice Chair, presented the draft minutes and feedback report from the Finance and Assets Committee meetings on 29th January and 11th March (distributed as CORP.250324.017). Following recommendations from the Finance and Assets Committee, the Board resolved to approve: 

  • renewal of the college’s insurance policy (CORP.250324.018) 
  • the updated Fees policy (CORP.250324.019) 
  • the Gender Pay Gap report for 22/23 (CORP.250324.021) 

Governors were advised that the Health and Safety policy (CORP.250324.020) has been externally reviewed since the Finance and Assets Committee meeting on 12th March. It will be resubmitted to Board for approval once amendments recommended by that review have been completed. 

11.2 P6 Management accounts 

Governors received the P6 management accounts for the month ended 31st January (distributed as CORP.250324.022). EBITDA is just below budget but is expected to reach its end of year target. Pay and non-pay savings are being made and income is expected to improve. 

11.3 Enrolments and Applications 

The Board received the Applications and Enrolment report (distributed as CORP.250324.022). CE gave a verbal update on the most up to date figures.

12.0 Audit Committee Feedback

HS, the committee Chair, presented the draft minutes and feedback report from the Audit Committee meeting on 4th March (distributed as CORP.250324.024). The committee was assured that internal audit work is on track for this year, the implementation of audit recommendations is on track and that performance of the internal and external auditors is good. The outcome of the internal audit on High Needs was reviewed in detail by the committee and has been followed up at L&Q Committee. 

Following recommendations from the Audit Committee, the Board resolved to approve: 

  • the updated data protection and risk management policies (CORP.250324.025 and 026) 
  • a one year extension of the college’s contract with its external auditor (CORP.250324.027) 
  • continuation of the contract with the internal auditor for preparation of the accounts for the financial year ending 31 July 2024 (CORP.250324.028)

12.1 Subcontracting standard outcome for 22/23 

Governors were pleased to receive the outcome for the subcontracting standard review for 22/23 (CORP.250324.040), a new requirement.

13.0 Governance and Search Committee Feedback

CT took governors through a summary of the Governance and Search Committee meeting held on 12th March (distributed as CORP.250324.029). 

Following recommendations from the Governance and Search Committee, the Board resolved to approve: 

  • revised committee memberships 23/24 (CORP.250324.030) 
  • the updated Code of Conduct for Governors (CORP.250324.031) 
  • updated Instrument and Articles (CORP.250324.032)

14.0 AOB 

There were no items of AOB. 

15.0 Date of the Next Meeting

The next board meetings will take place on Monday 20th May, after the governor open day, and Wednesday 3rd July 2024.