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Name Job Title
Carole Thorogood (Chair) (CT) External Governor
Simon Bedford (SB) External Governer
Mary Carswell (MC) External Governor
Patricia Harman (PH) External Governor
Angela Kandola (AK) External Governor
Liz Mossop (LM) External Governor
Andrew Simpson (AS) External Governor
Helen Smurthwaite (HS) External Governor
Sharon Townes (ST) External Governor
Steve Wooler (SW) External Governor
Janet Smith (JS) CEO/Principal
Kirsty Bailey (KB) Staff Governor
Liam Sewell (LS) Staff Governor
Caitlin Duffield (CD) Student Governor (from item 10)
Henry Icke (HI) Student Governor

In attendance:

Name Job Title
Andrew Comyn (AC) CFO/Deputy CEO
Mohammed Ramzan (MR) Deputy Principal
Rachel Robson (RR) Director of Governance
Jo Welham (JW) Governance and Support Services Manager
Rachel Wadsworth (RW) Director of Student Services (to item 9)
Mike Firth (MF) DfE

1.0 Welcome and Apologies

001 The Chair welcomed new governors to their first meeting. Apologies were received from Sarah Akhtar, Anja Beriro, Jon Hawley, Andrew Unitt and Lisa Wilson. Andy Griffin did not attend.

2.0 Declarations of Interest 

002 Interests declared: 

  • JS 
    • CEO/Principal Nottingham College
    • Trustee and Board Members of Skills and Education Group (SEG), awarding organisation and charity 
    • Ofsted Inspector
    • Member of D2N2 LEP Principals’ Group 
  • AK
    • Councillor, Nottingham City Council 
  • LM
    • Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Development & Engagement), University of Lincoln 

No other declarations of interest were received in relation to matters on this agenda.

3.0 Appointment of Student Governors 

003 RR updated governors on the process undertaken to nominate student governors (distributed as CORP.171022.030). The student governors nominated for 22/23 are Henry Icke, who was a student governor in 21/22 and is a level 3 student at the City Hub, and Caitlin Duffield, an A level student at High Pavement. MC will provide mentor support to the two governors. Both students will also be members of Learning and Quality Committee. 

004 The Board resolved to appoint Henry Icke and Caitlin Duffield to serve as student governors for the 22/23 academic year.

9.0 Safeguarding 

005 RW presented the Annual Safeguarding Report to governors (distributed as CORP.171022.012). She highlighted the number of safeguarding concerns raised in 21/22, noting the increase from previous years. RW confirmed that moving forward all concerns would be reviewed to ensure that they have been correctly recorded as either a safeguarding concern or a behaviour incident as is appropriate in each individual circumstance. Teachers are being supported to improve behaviour management. RW confirmed that the report had been reviewed in full at Learning & Quality Committee. PH confirmed that as the lead governor for safeguarding she continues to meet half termly with RW. She also advised that following the issue of the latest version of Keeping Children Safe in Education she and RW have met to cross reference this to the Safeguarding Policy to ensure that the Policy meets all necessary requirements. 

RW left the meeting

4.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting 

4.1 Minutes 

006 The Board reviewed the non-confidential minutes from the previous meeting 11th July 2022 (distributed as CORP.71022.002). The Board resolved that the minutes be approved as a true record. 

4.2 Written Resolution 

007 Governors noted that they had passed two written resolutions since the last Board meeting on 11th July (distributed as CORP.171022.003). These resolutions were:

  • to approve the award of a contract for works to build a marquee at Basford to Westminster Building Company. 12 votes were received in favour of the resolution. No votes against were received. The resolution was passed
  • to approve the appointment of Sarah Akhtar as a governor. 14 votes in favour were received. No votes against were received. The resolution was passed.

5.0 Actions and Matters Arising 

5.1 Action tracker 

008 Governors reviewed the Open Action Tracker (distributed as CORP.171022.004). Action 1 from the meeting on 11th July to arrange the risk session for Board remains ongoing. RR confirmed this is being planned to take place at the Strategy Day on 21st January 2023. Action 2 was confirmed complete as the information requested on staff mandatory training had been shared via email. 

009 There were no matters arising.

6.0 CEO/Principal Report and KPIs 

010 JS presented the report to the Board (distributed as CORP.171022.005). JS took governors through the key points in the report: 

  • FE funding and accountability reforms – JS highlighted that skills and employer needs should be at the heart of FE and explained the changes to governors. 
  • Devolution deal D2N2 – when fully approved the confirmed devolution deal will create a Mayoral Combined County Authority (MCCA) which will be responsible for a fully devolved AEB/Skills Fund from 2025/26. 
  • Ofsted – JS highlighted the updates on safeguarding and the new sub-judgement on skills 
  • Strike action within the sector CD joined and was welcomed to the meeting 

011 MC confirmed that the detail received at Learning and Quality Committee on the skills agenda had been very informative and provided detail on all the work undertaken to date (report on this agenda at item 8.3). A student governor noted the potential impact of students of any strike action at colleges. JS confirmed that staff at the college were not currently involved, she advised that students and staff remain at the heart of decisions. 

012 JS sought governors’ views on the creation of a new Governance Newsletter to be circulated between meetings to ensure that governors remain up to date on college and sector issues. She proposed that the newsletter be circulated half termly. Governors confirmed their agreement to this proposal.

7.0 Strategic Plan Update 

013 JS provided the Board with an update on the progress of work towards a new Strategic Plan (distributed as CORP.171022.006). She thanked those governors that had confirmed their availability to attend the consultation event taking place later in the week. Governors noted the timeline and the proposed strategic priorities. JS emphasised the need to ensure that the culture of the college moving forward was central. A governor queried the planned input from students. Discussion took place on the involvement of student governors and the Student Union. JS confirmed that both student governors would attend the Strategy Day.

8.0 Teaching, Learning and Quality 

8.1 Deputy Principal Report 

014 The Board received the report from the Deputy Principal (distributed as CORP.171022.007). MR took governors through the headlines in the report and the KPIs. He confirmed that the report had been updated following the Learning and Quality Committee meeting and noted that it now included recruitment to 7th October. He highlighted key points

  • New tutorial model now embedded. Key themes such as British Values delivered through the theme of life in modern Britain are included. New pastoral tutors have been recruited. 
  • Induction has gone well. Student survey underway. 
  • A level results show an increase in overall achievement, focus for this year will be higher pass rates and an increase in high grades 
  • Update on GCSE results

015 A governor queried the number of enrolments and the current rate of attrition. AC updated on the current 16-19 study programme numbers and the withdrawal rate. A governor queried if the rate of attrition was likely to rise. AC noted the 42 day period would end shortly, he noted the work underway to retain learners and to encourage them to change courses rather than leave the college. A student governor queried when students would receive the outcomes of the current survey. MR confirmed that these would be shared when the survey had closed with work then to be undertaken with groups of students to interrogate and better understand the outcomes and actions required in response. A governor queried the availability of the vocational and functional skills outcomes. MR confirmed that this data would be shared at the next Learning and Quality meeting when achievement had been closed down. 

016 A governor questioned the number of withdrawals, she asked for assurance on the accurate completion of registers and the resulting ability to identify withdrawals. MR noted the number of students that had not attended and confirmed the system in place for recording attendance. He confirmed that this was resulting in actions around non-attendance being followed up more quickly. Discussion took place on the merits of differing systems. JS confirmed that an update on the completion of registers and recording of attendance would be brought to the next meeting. 

Action: MR – to update on completion of registers and recording of attendance.

8.2 Learning and Quality Committee feedback and draft minutes 

017 MC took governors through summary of the Learning and Quality Committee meeting held on 26th September (distributed as CORP.171022.008). She highlighted the key issues arising from the discussions undertaken by the committee as stated in the report. 8.3 Post 16 Education Act – update on college response 

018 The Board received the report which provided an update on the work being undertaken to work with employers on the curriculum to ensure that it meets local, regional and national skills needs (distributed as CORP.171022.009). In the absence of LW, JS took governors through the key points in the report. A student governor queried plans for the curriculum areas not identified in the four priority sectors, particularly aviation. JS confirmed that developing skills within the aviation sector is ongoing within the college and highlighted a recent trip by staff to the college operating close to Stansted airport. She noted that at present funding is more readily available within the areas identified as key priorities. 

019 Governors noted the proposed process for annual curriculum review and resolved to approve that approach. 

8.4 Executive Director of Employer Services Report 

020 The Board received and reviewed the Report (distributed as CORP.171022.010). 

8.5 Governor Feedback on visits 

021 The report (distributed as CORP.171022.011) was noted by governors.

10.0 Finance and Assets Committee Feedback

10.1 Finance and Assets Committee Feedback and draft minutes 

022 In the absence of the Chair of the Committee, AS as the Vice Chair, presented the draft minutes from the meeting held on 3rd October 2022 together with a summary report of the key points from the meeting (distributed as CORP.171022.013). It was noted that EBITDA at year end was ahead of target, AEB target for 21/22 had been achieved and enrolment for 22/23 was ahead of the previous year. 

10.2 Management Accounts P10 

023 The Board received the management accounts for P12 (distributed as CORP.171022.014). AC confirmed that the style of accounts would be updated for 22/23 and would include a KPI slide. A governor raised questions on the college estate and the nature of ownership/occupancy at particular sites. AC confirmed the nature of ownership of the sites in question and advised that staff were being consulted on any likely changes in delivery. Feedback received will help inform any decisions to be taken, with no preferred solution at present. A governor queried the potential to secure achievement of the FE Commissioner benchmark on pay cost to income ratio and the impact of this to the intervention process. The current view on the college progress was noted by MF. JS noted that this was a guiding principle not an absolute that colleges were required to achieve. The overall plan in relation to the benchmark was noted. A governor highlighted the impact of absence and recruitment on staff cost. AC noted the actions within the People Strategy as previously presented to Workforce and Development Committee to deal with these issues.

11.0 Audit Committee Feedback 

11.1 Audit Committee Feedback and draft minutes 

024 ST presented the draft minutes and summary report from the committee meeting on 10 October (distributed as CORP.171022.015). She confirmed that the meeting had to be postponed due to the funeral of the late Queen. This was the last meeting for KPMG as internal auditors, they did not raise any concerns. ST noted that all recommendations received through internal audit reports to date have been implemented. RSM had joined the meeting as the new internal auditors from 22/23. 

11.2 Internal Audit Annual report 21/22 

025 The Board received and reviewed the internal audit annual report 21/22 (distributed as CORP.171022.016). ). The reducing trend of high and medium recommendations was noted. 

11.3 Risk Management Report 

026 AC presented the report (distributed as CORP.171022.017). Governors noted the new risks added. AC confirmed that a session for the Board on risk appetite was being planned for the Strategy Day. 

11.4 Regularity SAQ 

027 Governor reviewed the Regularity SAQ (distributed as CORP.171022.032). The new section this year on governance was noted. In accordance with the recommendation received from the Audit Committee the Board resolved to approve the SAQ for signature by the Chair and Accounting Officer. 

11.5 Public Value Statement 

028 The Board resolved to approve the statement as recommended by the Audit Committee (distributed as CORP.171022.018). 

11.6 Data Retention and Disposal Policy 

029 The Board resolved to approve the policy as recommended by the Audit Committee (distributed as CORP.171022.019).

12.0 Governance and Search Committee Feedback 

12.1 G&S Committee Feedback and draft minutes 

030 CT presented the feedback and draft minutes from the meeting held on 12 September (distributed as CORP.171022.020). Work is ongoing to appoint a reviewer for the external governance review in summer 2023. 

12.2 Governor Attendance target 22/23 

031 The Board resolved to approve the Governance and Search Committee recommendation that the overall attendance expectation for all Board members at all Board and Committee meetings should be 100%, with a minimum of 80% attendance expected. 

12.3 Draft Governance Self-Assessment Report and Development Plan 

032 The Board received the draft Governance Self-Assessment Report and Development Plan (distributed as CORP.171022.021). It was noted that the report was shared at this time for information and comment to RR via email, the final report will be brought to the Board at the December meeting. As previously the Governance and Search Committee will monitor progress against the Development Plan through 22/23.

13.0 AOB 

033 There were no items of AOB.

14.0 Date of the Next Meeting 

034 The next scheduled meeting will take place on Monday 12th December 2022 at 4.30pm.