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Name Job Title
Patricia Harman (PH) (Chair) External Governor
Liz Mossop (LM) External Governor
Sharon Townes (ST) External Governor
Janet Smith (JS) CEO/Principal and Governor
Kirsty Bailey (KB) Staff Governor
Sultana Begum (SB) Staff Governor
Kyle Thompson-Young (KTY) Student Governor

In attendance:

Name Job Title
David Marlow (DM) (Board Vice Chair / Chair Designate) External Governor
Andy Comyn (AC) Deputy CEO / CFO
Lisa Wilson (LWi) Executive Director of Employer Services
Ruth Perry (RP) VP Improvement and Innovation
Rachel Wadsworth (RW) VP Curriculum and Support
Rachel Robson (RR) Director of Governance
Jo Welham (JW) Governance and Corporate Support Manager
Claire Barton (CB) Assistant Principal, HE
Vickie Nardoni (VN) Assistant Principal, Adams
Liz Matthews (LM) College Inclusion Lead

1.0 Welcome and Apologies

080 Apologies were received from Andy Griffin and Vanessa Yeung.

2.0 Declarations of Interest

081 Interests Declared

  • JS
    • CEO/Principal Nottingham College 
    • Trustee and Board Members of Skills and Education Group (SEG), awarding organisation and charity 
    • Ofsted Inspector 
    • Member of D2N2 LEP Principals’ Group 
    • Member of Performance and Quality Committee, Futures Group 
  • LM 
    • Vice Chancellor, Sheffield Hallam University 

No other interests were declared.

3.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

082 The Committee resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 20th November 2023 (distributed as L&Q.130324.002) be approved as a true record.

4.0 Actions and Matters Arising

4.1 Actions 

083 The Committee reviewed the Action Tracker (distributed as L&Q.130324.003): 
24.04.23 - Action 1 – incident detail, remains ongoing for 23/24 
25.09.23 – Actions 1 and 2 related to work placements are contained in the Employer Services report on this agenda. Actions complete. 
25.09.23 – Action 3 – independent learning - included in the VP Curriculum and Support report on this agenda. Action complete. 
20.11.23 – Action 1 – achievement – national achievement rates not yet published, action ongoing. 
20.11.23 – Action 3 – external SEND review report circulated by email prior to this meeting. Action plan to be picked up under VP Curriculum and Support report. Action complete. 
20.11.23 – Action 4 – HE outcomes – will be taken under HE on this agenda. Action complete. 
20.11.23 – Action 6 – review of KAFI 2 – on this agenda. Action complete. 

4.2 Matters Arising 

084 There were no matters arising.

5.0 Quality and Performance

5.1 L&Q committee governor dashboard 

085 The committee received the governor dashboard and associated report (distributed as L&Q.130324.004). Retention is strong at 95.1% overall, above target for all areas and better than the same position last year. Attendance (at 83.5%) is a concern, weekly hotspot meetings are being held with APs to review actions and agree interventions. Attendance is an education sector-wide issue currently. 

A governor queried the quality of the data captured at Key Assessment Point 2 (KAP 2) given that many areas had not yet completed a mock assessment. It was further asked whether accurate measures of students’ progress were needed earlier in the academic year. RP responded that the KAP model has changed this year and KAP 2 is the first assessment point. RP acknowledged that there are challenges being worked through to get the KAP process embedded across the college. JS commented that the appropriate progress measures for each course can vary widely. She welcomed the governor enquiries that are being facilitated by the learning and quality dashboard as evidence of its effectiveness. 

A student governor commented that the KAP outcome enabled the student to understand how to improve their performance. A staff governor further commented that the approach to KAPs is being scrutinised through the TLA process, facilitating improved consistency across the college. 

Action – JS, ST and RP to further discuss the approach to KAPs. 

5.2 Report from the VP Innovation and Improvement 

The committee received the report from the VP Innovation and Improvement (distributed as L&Q.130324.005). This focussed on the November English and maths resit results, which showed an improvement overall, although the small cohort of entrants was noted. 

A governor asked how the reported changes to tutorials related to the annual programme that had previously been presented to the committee. RP responded that this was still in place, although the load of each pastoral tutor has been reduced to enable them to provide greater one-to-one support. A governor asked how attendance at tutorials and one-to-one contact is measured. RP responded that these hours are timetabled.

The new teacher and TLA performance dashboards were demonstrated. The key aim of these is to drive forward accountability and improve performance. The teacher dashboard provides all student data, down to the individual level, providing a onestop-shop for curriculum staff. The data is also aggregated up to a manager level dashboard. Routine use of the data is being embedded. The new TLA dashboard, in use by the quality team, was also demonstrated. This will provide more meaningful data once the second round of TLA reviews has taken place, enabling visibility of distance travelled since the previous round. 

Governors were pleased to comment that the dashboards represent a huge step forward in college reporting capability. A governor commented that routine use of the dashboards should provide improvements in areas such as unmarked registers. Other governors emphasised the importance of ensuring that such a useful tool becomes embedded in normal practice. 

Action – APs to report to the committee on use of the new dashboards later in the academic year.

6.0 Ofsted 

086 The committee was delighted to receive the Outstanding outcome of the recent Ofsted inspection of residential provision (distributed as L&Q.1303243.006). The committee congratulated all whose hard work had contributed to the outcome. JS commented that it was especially impressive given that there had been two hours’ notice for the inspection.

7.0 QIP 23/24 

7.1 QIP update 

087 The committee received the QIP update report (distributed as L&Q.130324.007). RP acknowledged this this is a reduced summary of the QIP compared with the usual report and she would welcome feedback. The report draws attention to particular areas of note. Supported intervention is ongoing in English and maths, which includes investment in an AP for this area and greater digital support. 

A governor asked whether new issues were faced within English and maths or whether it is a continuation of previously reported challenges. RP responded that the turnover in this area is high and the structure is being changed to provide some stability, although this means many managers are relatively new. Improvement targets for each area have been set. A governor sought assurance that the area is adequately resourced. RP responded that it is, and the key issues are quality of provision and planning around group sizes early in the academic year, which has already been looked at for September 2024. 

A governor asked about industry upskilling for staff. RP responded that 3 days of industrial upskilling for all staff is written into the accountability agreement, so reporting on this will come through these updates to the committee. 

Action – RP to provide more detail on actions being taken for items RAG rated as red in the update report to future meetings.

7.2 Progress against KAFI 2 – additional support 

088 The committee received the presentation given by LM, Inclusion Lead (distributed as L&Q.130324.008). This provided a deep dive into actions being taken around KAFI 2. 

Governors were pleased to note the comprehensive overview and were keen to understand how practice was being embedded. LM explained that widespread communication was underway alongside pilots which are then rolled out more widely. RP explained that a long term investment in change is being sought, which takes time. 

A governor asked about numbers of high needs students and those with EHCPs across the college. RW responded that there are 292 students with EHCPs, of which 112 are identified as high needs. These are split evenly across high needs and mainstream provision. Overall, approximately 8000 students receive support, with 990 receiving adjusted exam arrangements. 

Action – progress with and impact of practice improvements around KAFI 2 to be added to each QIP update report for committee meetings.

8.0 Curriculum and Support

8.1 Report from the VP Curriculum & Support 

089 The committee received the report (distributed as L&Q.130324.009). The third round of curriculum planning starts next week. An increase in student number of approximately 500 is being targetted for 24/25. 

A governor asked about the relationship between current application numbers and the enrolment target for 24/25. RW responded that progression and external applications are both higher than at this point last year and the 24/25 target is achievable. CB reported that HE is seeking a 25% increase for 24/25, a significant component of which will be two years’ worth of students on courses that were newly introduced this year. 

A governor asked whether progression rates would improve further for 24/25 and whether this would be dealt with in a more timely way than in 22/23. RW responded that students had been placed on more appropriate courses for 23/24, from which they could progress further for 24/25. JS and RW commented that the pre-enrolment process for progressing learners is proceeding much better this year. 

Governors were interested in recent initiatives around independent study across course types and levels and how engagement with this is being measured, which would also provide some insight into the impact of the change in delivery hours for 23/24. 

Action – engagement with and impact of independent study to be reported on at the next meeting of the Committee. 

Governors acknowledged the disappointing minimal assurance outcome from the high needs internal audit report, which has previously been presented to the audit committee. RW explained that an action plan has been put in place and the Chair acknowledged that she had been through the key points of this with RW in her capacity as SEND link governor. RW reported that all recommendations will be completed by the end of July and an in year follow up audit will be reported to the audit committee in the Autumn.

Action – combined action plan and progress in response to internal audit report and previous external SEND review to be brought to the next meeting of the Committee. 

Governors agreed that progress with this action plan will be monitored through this Committee. 

8.2 Quarter 2 Safeguarding Report 23/24 

090 Governors received the report (distributed as L&Q.130324.010). Incidents are approximately 20% higher than at the same time last year, although they are being managed well. Mental health issues and self harm are the highest incident type, which is normal, although students feeling unsafe is being reported more often than usual. This is being looked at in detail to understand where students are experiencing a lack of safety. The Chair commented that it is important to understand why students are reporting that they do not feel safe. RW agreed and commented that student survey data points to the majority of students feeling safe in college, so further investigation is being undertaken. 

The college is working closely with the police in relation to a recent city centre knife incident. JS commented that the college takes knife crime very seriously and is talking to other colleges about strategies used to combat it, alongside involvement in the local Violence Reduction Board and ongoing efforts to inculcate a sense of safety and security within college buildings. She also reminded governors that Ofsted commented on how well students behaved across college while carrying out its inspection in 2022. A governor asked whether knife crime also affects HE. Another governor and the AP for HE confirmed that it does, and others also acknowledged that it also affects schools.

Action - revised policy and action plan around knife crime to be brought to board. 

8.3 Campus report - Adams 

091 Governors were pleased to receive the presentation given by the AP for Adams (distributed as L&Q.130324.011). VN gave an overview of activity at the campus and significant achievements, such as ESOL plus, which gives ESOL students short-term experience of vocational courses. This has been visited as an area of best practice by an Ofsted inspector. Adams also recently hosted the college’s first world culture day, which was a great success. 

A governor asked why VN had classified the student facing services at Adams as amber. She explained that some enrolment processes in the community are challenging, especially where there is a language barrier, and that student finance arrangements are sometimes not processed quickly enough to enable students to take part in short courses but this is being improved. 

A governor asked what the challenges were within hair and beauty. VN explained that attendance is an issue, alongside good students being poached for apprenticeships when they go out on early work placements. VN is working with colleagues at other colleges to improve attendance and engagement. 

The Chair encouraged governors to attend the end of year fashion and art and design shows at Adams and Stoney St. 

Action – VN / JW to ensure governors are invited to end of year shows.

9.0 Employer Services

092 Governors reviewed the report from the Executive Director of Employer Services (distributed as L&Q.130324.012). This covered the key areas of apprenticeships, eLearning and work experience. In response to governor feedback, work experience is broken down across area in the report. CDF and T Level work placements are going well, 30 hour cross-college work experience appears very low but this is due to a lack of recording, which is being worked on in conjunction with curriculum. 

A governor asked whether there had been any progress with the idea of achieving work experience through the use of the working day that each apprentice is in college. LW responded that progress with this had been slowed by sickness and a restructure. 

Action – progress with obtaining work experience for students using the day per week that apprentices are in the college to be reported on to the June meeting of the Committee. 

A governor asked whether there is adequate resource in the work experience team. LW explained that this team is difficult to recruit to. The work experience benchmark is included in the new teacher dashboard so this should help with activity being properly recorded.

10.0 Accountability Agreement

093 Governors received the update (distributed as L&Q.130324.013) and were pleased to note the good progress with most accountability agreement targets. Governors noted that those directly related to outcomes are incomplete due to national achievement rates being awaited. The committee noted that the requirement for two reporting documents last year has been reduced to one, which will now be called the accountability statement. The updated guidance relating to this will be shared with the board at its meeting on 25th March.

11.0 Higher Education

094 The committee received the report from the AP for HE (distributed as L&Q.130324.014). Highlights included further new courses having been validated by the OU, with several more validated since the report was written. HE survey participation and satisfaction rates are much improved this year. 

A governor commented that franchise arrangements with partner universities could be restrictive due to the college being obliged to deliver the university’s course material. A governor commented on the positive number of those HE students passing at the first attempt, although a more detailed breakdown of HE achievement was requested. 

Action – CB will provide a detailed breakdown of achievement level across HE course type for the next set of results available. 

LM left the meeting.

12.0 Stakeholder Surveys

12.1 FE student survey – Term 2 

095 The committee received an overview of the FE student term 2 survey for 23/24 (distributed as L&Q.130324.015). The increased target response rate of 75% was exceeded with year-on-year improvement of agreement levels and a specific improvement of 4.3% on this point last year. The areas for improvement align with the areas of focus for the college QIP. 

12.2 Apprentice Survey Window 2 

096 The apprentice survey window 2 results were presented (distributed as L&Q.130324.016). The response rate is increasing each year and term. Work is being done in subject areas where satisfaction levels are lower. Governors remarked positively on the improved engagement and outcomes and that this indicated the impact of reported actions taken, reinforcing governors’ trust in reporting. A governor queried the positive response to the functional skills statement given the quality issues in English and maths. RP explained that this is likely students learning at a level lower than GCSE masking the issues in this area that are being worked on. 

12.3 Employer Survey - Window 1 

097 The employer survey results were presented (distributed as L&Q.130324.017). A changed approach to the employer survey is suggested due to previous low uptake which involves surveying all stakeholder groups rather than just employers with apprentices. This is better aligned to the Ofsted inspection framework. Governors resolved to support this approach.

13.0 Policy Review

11.1 FE and apprenticeships admissions policy 

098 The committee reviewed the FE and apprenticeship admissions policy (distributed as L&Q.130324.018) and resolved to recommend it to the board for approval. 

11.2 HE attendance policy 

099 The committee reviewed the HE attendance policy (distributed as L&Q.130324.019) and resolved to recommend it to the board for approval.

14.0 Link Governors

100 The committee noted feedback reports from recent link governor visits to the college (distributed as L&Q.130324.020). Governors were reminded that link governor training will take place next Wednesday and will be recorded for those unable to attend.

13.0 Review of Risks 

101 The committee reviewed the risks included in the curriculum and quality section of the risk register (distributed as L&Q.130324.021). A governor commented that the risk around defunding should be presented more clearly so that the long term nature of its impact could be better understood.

14.0 Agenda Items for the Next Meeting 

102 The committee reviewed and approved the agenda items planned for the next meeting (distributed as L&Q.130324.022). 

The committee agreed that the QIP action for the next meeting should be ‘Improve the Quality of Education, student progress, pass rates and achievement in GCSE maths and English’ and for the June meeting this will be the QIP action ‘Improve the engagement in high quality 30-hour work placements to prepare students for future successes in employment and ‘real world’ experiences relating to their chosen career path’.

15.0 Any Other Business

There was no any other business

16.0 Date of the Next Meeting

103 The next meeting of the committee will take place at 4.30pm on Monday13th May 2024.