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Name Job Title
Patricia Harman (PH) Vice Chair (in the Chair)
Liz Mossop (LM) External governor
Sharon Townes (ST) External governor
Liam Sewell (LS) Staff governor
Janet Smith (JS) CEO/Principal and Governor

In attendance:

Name Job Title
Mohammed Ramzan (MR) Deputy Principal Curriculum, Quality and Student Experience
Andy Comyn (AC) Deputy CEO / CFO
Lisa Wilson (LW) Executive Director of Employer Services
Ruth Perry (RP) Director of Teaching and Learning Development and innovation
Gareth Sykes (GS) Interim Director of QualityRachel Robson (RR) Director of Governance
Rachel Robson (RR) Director of Governance
Jo Welham (JW) Governance and Corporate Support Manager

1.0 Welcome and Apologies 

107 PH welcomed all to the meeting. Apologies were received from Mary Carswell and Henry Icke. Caitlin Duffield and Angela Kandola did not attend.

2.0 Declarations of Interest

  • JS declared the following interests: 
    • CEO/Principal Nottingham College 
    • Trustee and Board Members of Skills and Education Group (SEG), awarding organisation and charity 
    • Ofsted Inspector
    • Member of D2N2 LEP Principals’ Group 

No other interests were declared.

3.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting 

The Committee resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 24th April 2023 (distributed as L&Q.190623.002) be approved as a true record.

4.0 Actions and Matters Arising 

4.1 Actions 

The Committee reviewed the Action Tracker (distributed as L&Q.190623.003): 
All actions are closed with the exception of 24.04.23, Action 4, to include detail of serious incidents in quarterly safeguarding reports, which is not yet due. The success of actions implemented to approve attendance is under item 7.2 on this agenda. 

4.2 Matters Arising 

There were no matters arising.

5.0 Quality and Performance 

5.1 Report from the Deputy Principal 

The committee received the report from the Deputy Principal Learning, Quality and Student Experience (distributed as L&Q.190623.004). MR highlighted the key points: 

  • Many positive events closing down the 22/23 academic year are underway, such as the end of year shows and exhibitions and the upcoming TLA showcase 
  • There is a key focus on closing down achievement for year – prudent predicted achievement figures are shown in the paper 
  • There was good attendance at the maths and English GCSE exams 

Within the KPI summary, HoCs are working hard on achieving the AEB target. Attendance remains a challenge and will be discussed under Item 7.2. Retention is slightly lower than the same point last year but the target for the year will be reached. 

One governor asked about the retention profile, commenting that it seems to show a reduction at the end of the academic year. MR responded that this was particularly true of 16-18 learners on the more academically demanding level 3 courses this year. Often the college has worked hard across the year to keep learners with difficulties such as mental health support needs in learning and withdrawal is a last resort, which is why it is seen in the later part of the academic year. 

A governor asked about how retention has been analysed to test whether it relates to learners with particular circumstances. MR explained that that analysis is starting now but a variable picture is expected. Destination data is also being collected and analysed. 

Another governor commented that retention in HE is also a challenge this year and that just as in FE learners are often withdrawing to go into employment due ongoing cost of living pressures. 

One governor commented that it was encouraging to see the good performance in level 3 exams in engineering this year.

5.2 Report from the Executive Director Employer Services 

LW took governors through her report (distributed as L&Q.190623.005). The accountability plan has been submitted and the draft plan is underway for the duty to review. LW has contacted the FEC for its view on how collaboration with other providers should be undertaken. The college has engaged with a local sixth form college and joint activities are underway, but contact with other institutions has been challenging so far. Governors expressed their disappointment at others’ responses after so much hard work by the college in this area. 

The supplementary tender for subcontracted delivery has now been completed. Two further subcontractors have since come forward to report being unable to deliver their allocation. A paper is going to the Finance and Assets Committee on 26th June to seek recommendation for the reallocation of these funds. Permission has been received from the ESFA to go over the subcontracting threshold because this is of benefit to learners. 

Governors commended the continued success of the bids, projects and planning team. Governors sought and received assurance that all bid funding is carefully managed. Governors asked about the relationship between successful bid outcomes and the college’s strategic aims and ensuring that they are able to monitor this at the appropriate level. GS pointed out that where a bid has had an effect on the SAR it will be reported to and visible to governors here, other governors preferred the format of being able to see bids and capital projects explicitly linked to the aims of the strategic plan.

Governors noted the progress with the growth and innovation projects and were keen to understand how the quality of new courses was assured. LW explained that these courses are in a range of formats, with some picked up through the SAR because they are delivered by curriculum areas of the college and others delivered by partners.

6.0 Teaching and Learning Report from Director of TLD&I 

RP took governors through the report (distributed as L&Q.190623.006). The information given in the Powerpoint presentation will be in a dashboard for 23/24. Developmental observations are continuing and all new teachers have a mentor. All full-time 16-18 learners will be using Markbook from September, enabling learners and their carers to monitor their progress. Governors commended the work done in this area. Digital learning and T levels are also key areas currently. 

Governors praised the work carried out around developing all teachers. RP explained that new teachers self assess against the ETF professional standards at the beginning and end of the academic year so progress can be measured. 

Governors were interested in the work being done to support learners to enhance their independent learning skills and requested a report on this at the next meeting. 

Action: RP to report on independent learning support for learners at the September Committee meeting. 

One governor asked for assurance that the college has managed to secure enough work placement hours for T level learners. MR explained that this is being managed and there are issues right across the sector with securing enough work placements. Work is also being done to develop teachers to ensure they are adapted to teaching T level courses. 

The chair reminded the committee that all governors are invited to the upcoming TLA showcase on 7th July.

7.0 QIP 22/23 

7.1 QIP update 

The committee received and noted the update on the QIP (distributed as L&Q.190623.007). GS presented 7.1 and 7.2 together. All 11 areas of the QIP are now showing at least partial impact. The SAR and QIP process has started at faculty level. 

A governor asked for a breakdown of the work experience data across courses to ensure factors such as BTEC and T level learners getting enough work experience can be monitored. One governor commented that it was reported that engagement with work experience had improved but there was no comparison data in the report to support this.

Action: breakdown of work experience data to be provided to the September meeting of the committee. 

7.2 QIP KAFI 4 – Attendance 

Governors received an update on progress against the key points in KAFI4 (distributed as L&Q.190623.008). To date, English and maths and overall 16-18 attendance are slightly up on last year but below targets Data for attendance in the last 30 days is encouraging, Heads have been using a combination of strategies based on risk and level and targeting learners who aren’t attending. There is also a new report showing weekly attendance trends for FAMs to enable targeting of learners not attending. 

A governor queried whether absence texts are still being sent to carers when learners do not attend college. MR explained that while text messaging has been reinstated following a gap, other absence chasing initiatives had continued to notify carers where learners are not attending college. 

A governor emphasised the importance of the safeguarding need to inform parents of learners under 18 if they had not come to college when expected. A governor asked how effective the newly recruited attendance officers had been. MR explained that the greatest impact on absence has been seen at the Hub where teachers have been at the heart of tracking attendance so this model is being rolled out elsewhere next year.

8.0 Student Safety and Wellbeing 

8.1 Report from Director Student Services 

The committee received the report (distributed as L&Q.190623.009), presented by AC. Last year’s efforts at making enrolment a whole-college effort had been successful and even greater success is expected next year. A governor asked how many sites learners would be able to enrol at. AC explained that learners will enrol at most sites, mainly at the one they will attend for their course, hence the need for all staff to be involved in supporting the process. 

Progression is better this year than last but more learners need to be progressed as this is a big piece of achieving the 16-19 target for next year. This will be emphasised to the college management team at its meeting this week. A governor asked how many learners might have their progression hampered due to poor behaviour or very low attendance. AC responded that this sometimes happens when a learner is very disruptive in lessons. Sometimes the learner chooses to move to a completely different course that suits them better. The college has also got better at adapting the course offer to what learners in the community need. 

An appendix to the report detailed actions to be taken following an independent investigation into an overseas trip which had had to be cut short. One governor commented that the report findings given seemed to be overly critical of the college approach to risk. JS responded that the findings refer to embedding a risk culture and ensuring clarity of roles for those colleagues who manage student trips specifically rather than anything wider. Governors and ELT members agreed that the report included some useful learning points. 

Action: new trip guidance for staff to be brought to the committee when available.

Following the recent independent review of the college’s SEND learning provision, an action plan is being drawn up to make improvements in this area. This mainly relates to high needs learners on mainstream programmes. Governors noted that a new SEND advanced practitioner will start with the college in August. 

Action: action plan for SEND improvements to be brought to the next meeting of the committee 

8.2 Safeguarding Policy 23/24 

The committee received the updated safeguarding policy (distributed as L&Q.190623.010). One governor requested that consideration be given to amending ‘missing from education’ should be updated to ‘absent from education’ and that the college should consider whether the use of ‘vulnerable’ should be changed to ‘susceptible’, particularly in relation to vulnerable or susceptible adults, in line with the updated KCSIE statutory guidance for 2023. 

Action: RW to review suggestions and edit policy language as appropriate. Governors were unable to locate the reference to new freedom of speech legislation as outlined on the executive summary.

8.2 Safeguarding Policy 23/24 

The committee received the updated safeguarding policy (distributed as L&Q.190623.010). 

One governor requested that consideration be given to amending ‘missing from education’ should be updated to ‘absent from education’ and that the college should consider whether the use of ‘vulnerable’ should be changed to ‘susceptible’, particularly in relation to vulnerable or susceptible adults, in line with the updated KCSIE statutory guidance for 2023.

Action: RW to review suggestions and edit policy language as appropriate. Governors were unable to locate the reference to new freedom of speech legislation as outlined on the executive summary. 

Action: RW to confirm with LM where this reference is made in the updated policy and highlight it for sharing with all governors. 

One governor asked how the college was managing the new requirements of freedom of speech against the need to safeguard learners and offered the college support with their process for this. 

Action: JS to confirm with the Dean of HE the action taken in this area and feed back to governors. 

Once these items have been considered and the revised safeguarding policy has been circulated to the committee, it will recommend it to the board for approval via written resolution in time for the board to approve it at its meeting on 3rd July.

9.0 Learner and Employer Voice 

9.1 FE Learner Survey 

The committee received the survey report (distributed as L&Q.190623.011). The survey took place between 24th April and 12th May. 

Governors noted the low levels of satisfaction around IT and asked what improvements are being made. AC explained that IT facilities are much better, with significant updating to the IT infrastructure at Basford having taken place recently. Many of the issues are caused by old desktop computers that are being upgraded as budgets allow. 

Governors asked about the causes for lower levels of satisfaction with tutorials. RP explained that despite rewording the question learners are still not always clear that the survey refers to the pastoral tutorial, rather than the academic. Work is ongoing to develop the practice of pastoral tutors and improve differentiation of tutorial at different sites. 

9.2 Apprentice Survey Window 3 

The Committee received the survey report (distributed as L&Q.190623.012). Work has been done to improve the response rate to the survey and satisfaction has increased although there is still work to do. Governors commended the improvement in satisfaction shown by the current survey.

10.0 EDI 

The Committee received the EDI report for 21/22 (distributed as L&Q.190623.013). This report has been revised following feedback from the Workforce and Development Committee at its last meeting. 

Governors received the new format of the report and the action plan. A governor expressed the view that given that EDI data cuts across all college learners and staff clear decisions might need to be made on how best to improve EDI in different groups. 

A governor suggested that the action in the plan to improve support for looked after children should also include young carers and care leavers. GS acknowledged the feedback given and responded that it would all feed into the format for next year’s EDI report. 

Action: GS to amend point of accuracy in appendix 1 before the report comes forward to board on 3rd July. 

The committee resolved to recommend the EDI report for approval for publication by the board subject to the accuracy amendment.

11.0 Policies

1.1 Bursary Policy 

The committee reviewed the Bursary Policy (distributed as L&Q.190623.014) and resolved to recommend the policy to Board for approval. 

1.2 Complaints Policy 

The committee reviewed the Complaints Policy (distributed as L&Q.190623.015) and resolved to recommend the policy to Board for approval subject to clarification between whether complaints should have an appeal (FE) or review (HE) internally before being sent for external review. 

1.3 HE Complaints Policy 

The committee reviewed the HE Complaints Policy (distributed as L&Q.190623.016) and resolved to recommend the policy to Board for approval subject to clarification between whether complaints should have an appeal (FE) or review (HE) internally before being sent for external review. 

1.4 CEIAG Policy 

The committee reviewed the CEIAG Policy (distributed as L&Q.190623.017) and resolved to recommend the policy to Board for approval.

12.0 Review of Risks

The committee noted the risks included in the curriculum and quality section of the risk register (distributed as L&Q.190623.018) and confirmed that the agenda and reports reflected those risks.

13.0 Committee Business

The Committee received the Terms of Reference and Business Schedule for 23/24 (distributed as L&Q.190623.019) and resolved to recommend them to the board for approval. 

Monitoring of the college accountability agreement will come regularly to this committee through the Executive Director Employer Services’ report. The EDI report will also come regularly, to the April meeting. 

The Committee approved the self-assessment questionnaire for distribution to members.

14.0 Any Other Business

The Vice Chair thanked all staff for their hard work over the year, achieving Ofsted Good and the wellbeing Beacon Award. She also thanked the Chair, who had given apologies, for her instrumental role in establishing the committee and its terms of reference, and all governors for their valuable input over the year.

15.0 Date of the Next Meeting

The next meeting of the committee will take place at 4.30pm on Monday 25th September 2023.