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Name Job Title
Patricia Harman (PH) (Chair) External Governor
Liz Mossop (LM) External Governor
Janet Smith (JS) CEO/Principal and Governor
Kirsty Bailey (KB) Staff Governor
Kyle Thompson-Young (KTY) Student Governor
Vanessa Yeung (VY) Student Governor

In attendance:

Name Job Title
David Marlow (Board Vice Chair / Chair Designate) External Governor
Lisa Wilson (LWi) Executive Director of Employer Services
Ruth Perry (RP) VP Improvement and Innovation
Rachel Wadsworth (RW) VP Curriculum and Support
Caroline Sheard (CS) Director of Study Programmes
Rachel Robson (RR) Director of Governance
Jo Welham (JW) Governance and Corporate Support Manager
Robin Atherlay (RA) Assistant Principal, City Hub

1.0 Welcome and Apologies

035 Apologies were received from Sharon Townes, Andy Griffin (external governors) Sultana Begum (staff governor), Claire Barton and Andy Comyn (in attendance).

2.0 Declarations of Interest

036 Interests declared:

  • JS 
    • CEO/Principal Nottingham College 
    • Trustee and Board Members of Skills and Education Group (SEG), awarding organisation and charity 
    • Ofsted Inspector 
    • Member of D2N2 LEP Principals’ Group 
  • LM 
    • Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Development & Engagement), University of Lincoln 

No other interests were declared.

Presentations from Colleagues 

Items 7.3 and 9.3 from the agenda were taken ahead of other committee business. 

7.3 City Hub 

037 Governors received the presentation from the AP for the City Hub (circulated as L&Q.201123.010), giving an overview of how the City Hub is improving the student experience as well as challenges faced. A governor asked about T level enrolment and RA confirmed that T levels have enrolled to target for 23/24, with good practice being shared between campuses. A governor was keen to understand what RA felt would indicate good progress to a campus visitor. He responded that positive and improving student survey data was key, as were all spaces being used well and a generally positive and active atmosphere

5.3 Tutorials 

038 Governors received the presentation (slides circulated as L&Q.201123.006), given by the Director of Study Programmes. CS reported that the college won two awards at the recent Good for me, Good for FE event, the social impact award and volunteer college of the year. Governors congratulated the award winners and commended the positive progress that has been made in recent years with tutorials, which are now termed personal and social development sessions following student feedback. A governor asked how much students could expect to see sustainability as a theme. JS responded that this is something students are starting to see more of in all courses. A student governor commented that the social action projects scheme could lack structure and CS agreed to feed this back. A governor was pleased to note sessions highlighting the importance of English and maths education.

3.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

037 The Committee resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 25th September 2023 (distributed as L&Q.201123.002) be approved as a true record.

4 Actions and Matters Arising

4.1 Actions 

038 The Committee reviewed the Action Tracker (distributed as L&Q.201123.003). The committee was satisfied that all actions are either complete or not yet due. 

4.2 Matters Arising 

039 There were no matters arising.

5.0 Quality and Performance

5.1 L&Q committee governor dashboard 

040 The committee received the governor dashboard and associated report (distributed as L&Q.201123.004). JS thanked the committee for feedback at the previous meeting. Most areas are performing well, although too many of the QIP actions from 22/23 appear to have only had a partial impact. This is mainly due to the way the actions were framed when the QIP was developed and has been improved for this year. Governors are keen to understand the use of the dashboard and how this connects with what is happening in the classroom. JS explained that there is a teachers’ dashboard in use from which some of the data in this dashboard is drawn and that is currently being rolled up to a teaching managers’ level version. A governor commented that having the dashboards for all meetings in the calendar is useful for monitoring progress between meetings. 

5.2 Report from the VP Innovation and Improvement 

039 The committee received the report from the VP Innovation and Improvement (distributed as L&Q.201123.005), which was focussed on the outcomes for 22/23. Achievement rates have dipped in 22/23, although pass rates have shown a small improvement. Rates are expected to reflect national achievement levels (NARTs) when these are available, although the college plans achievement improvements in 23/24. Governors agreed that it is difficult to assess how the college has achieved overall until the national grade picture is clear.

040 A governor asked about the significant increase in the number of students enrolled on e-learning courses and the low achievement in this area. RP acknowledged that this area had grown hugely over 22/23 and that improving achievement is a priority in 23/24. A governor reflected that annual achievement is perhaps too short term a measure to gauge whether TLA improvements are working. RP responded that a longer term position is reflected in the SAR and the QIP and that the effects of Covid are still being felt. For example, science students at the college have a noticeable gap in skills caused by missing two years of secondary science education when they should have been working in labs. A governor asked about action being taken on improvement where faculty areas had self-assessed as a grade 3 over several years. RP responded that this was being worked on hard in 23/24 and would show an improvement. 041 Governors are keen to see the milestones achieved in the process of completing the overarching QIP actions. A governor who attended SAR validation meetings commented that actions for 23/24 were being well framed and were achievable. RP responded that the dashboards being presented at each learning and quality and board meeting are the key guide for governors as to whether QIP actions and targets are being achieved. 

Action – college achievement to be compared with national achievement rates once published and brought to the soonest available committee meeting – RP 

5.3 Tutorials 

This item was taken above.

6.0 College Self-Assessment

042 The committee received the closed QIP and the SAR for 22/23 (distributed as L&Q.201123.007). The college has self-assessed in line with the Ofsted inspection in November 2022. The Chair confirmed that she and another governor had attended a meeting with RP to validate the overall SAR ahead of this committee meeting and that they were satisfied grading had been done rigorously. 

043 RP explained that the college QIP for 23/24, presented to the meeting, shows the overarching actions for the whole college, with each faculty area having its own tailored QIP. Key themes include improving achievement and improving education for students with support needs on vocational courses. The new curriculum management structure for this year is anticipated to drive up the quality of education across the college. Governors agreed that the QIP for 23/24 is better focussed than previous years and contained tangible targets. The committee sought and received reassurance that all actions in the QIP are achievable in the year. A governor commended the focus on the significant items that need improving and that this would bring everything underneath into line. The Chair acknowledged the considerable work that had gone into preparing the SAR and QIP and commended all contributors for their efforts. 

Action – RP to meet with DM and explain the SAR grading and validation process 

The committee resolved to recommend the SAR for 22/23 and the QIP for 23/24 to the board for approval.

7.0 Curriculum and Support

7.1 Report from the VP Curriculum & Support 

044 The committee received the report (distributed as L&Q.201123.008). Student numbers and attendance remain strong and are closely monitored. College staff and students have received awards recently, including the AoC student of the year award. There is now an AP dedicated to SEND provision who will be driving improvement in this area. Governors noted that there are still staff recruitment and retention challenges in specialist areas such as electrical and engineering. A student governor confirmed that this can cause inconsistencies in teaching. JS acknowledged that this is a national issue. Governors reviewed the SEND action plan provided and asked about how the impact of the proposed actions would be assessed. The Chair congratulated all staff and students involved in the achievement of the AoC student of the year award. 

Action – RW - to share recommendations from external SEND review and updated action plan with governors.

7.2 Quarter 1 Safeguarding Report 23/24 

045 Governors received the report (distributed as L&Q.201123.009). There is a higher number of safeguarding referrals than this time last year, although overall student behaviour is better than last year. 

046 A governor suggested that a higher number of students needing support with their mental health could be a positive indication of students and staff better recognising a need for support. 

047 A governor asked about the support that staff who support students with difficulties receive themselves. RW responded that wellbeing mentors offer peer to peer support and there are confidential external support services offered to staff in these roles. 

7.3 Tutorials 

This item was taken above.

8.0 Employer Services

048 Governors reviewed the report from the Executive Director of Employer Services (distributed as L&Q.201123.011). Considerable bid success has been achieved in 23/24 so far, with LSIF and OfS money being won by the college. 

049 Due to performance issues with e-learning over 22/23, the college has improved the curriculum leadership in this area, and introduced wellbeing mentors to reduce the disparity between the high number of students who sign up and the low number who complete courses. It will be possible to better gauge achievement with e-learning once the national achievement rates are available for 22/23.

9.0 High Education

050 RP presented the HE report (distributed as L&Q.201123.012). HE enrolments are expected to hit target for 23/24 following the planned January enrolment . The attendance and process of HE academic board has also been improved. A governor queried the HE enrolments planned for January 2024. RP confirmed that this was a teaching diploma cohort that would definitely be running. 

051 A governor asked whether there had been a lessons learned process following last year’s achievement of a bronze TEF rating. RP responded that the feedback from last year’s submission has been turned into a detailed action plan aimed at improving the college’s submission in the next round. 

Action – HE outcomes for 22/23 will come to the next meeting of the committee – RP/CB

10.0 Stakeholder Surveys 

10.1 Education and Training Student survey results – Term 1 

052 The committee received an overview of the FE student term 1 survey for 23/24 (distributed as L&Q.201123.013). Overall satisfaction is higher, and more students have completed the survey than previously, which is encouraging. Satisfaction with IT facilities showed the greatest improvement. The response around students knowing their target grades was disappointing but likely to be linked to these not being set until close to or after the survey was completed. A governor commented positively on the considerable rise in engineering students responding to the survey, as well as on the increased agreement with the statement related to behavioural standards being clear, which tallies with the improvement in classroom behaviours mentioned in the Q1 safeguarding report. 

A student governor reported that the low score relating to clarity of assessment in their course area is a genuine reflection but that this is improving. A student governor also commented that students had expected more practical learning on their L3 course, and that the lack of it may not be adequately preparing students for university. JS responded that this is likely related to curriculum reform. RW responded that the proportion of practical learning is being looked at in this faculty area.

10.2 Apprentice Survey Window 1 

053 As with the FE education and training results, these survey results are much improved, with a higher response rate and overall greater positive response (L&Q.201123.014). A governor asked about action being taken around areas for improvement. RP responded that these correlate with the SAR outcome for 22/23 and QIP actions placed for 23/24, so provide reassurance that effort is being concentrated in the right places. A governor commented that it is important to share good practice where areas are doing things well.

11.0 Policy Review

The committee reviewed the residential accommodation policy (distributed as L&Q.201123.015) and resolved to recommend it to the board for approval.

12.0 Link Governor Feedback

The committee noted feedback reports from recent link governor visits to the college (distributed as L&Q.201123.016). The governance and search committee resolved at its meeting on 13th November that these should come to each relevant committee, rather than board meetings as has happened to date. Information about link governor arrangements and relevant training sessions will be coming out to governors in the New Year.

13.0 Review of Risks

The committee reviewed the risks included in the curriculum and quality section of the risk register (distributed as L&Q.201123.017). 

A governor commented that inappropriate student use of artificial intelligence (AI) had been added to the risk register, but governors were yet to receive any information on the college’s approach to this. RP responded that students are guided on appropriate and inappropriate use of AI technology, and the college has an AI detection tool through its Turnitin plagiarism detection software, although this is not infallible. AI tools are proving useful to teaching staff when well used and assessment is being adapted to take into account AI use. A governor commented that FE is well placed to manage this situation given its greater readiness to use creative assessment strategies. A student governor commented that some students are using AI as preliminary guidance when completing assignments. 

Action – information on college approach to AI risks and benefits to be brought to the governors’ strategy day in January 2024 - JS

14.0 Agenda Items for the Next Meeting 

052 The committee reviewed and approved the agenda items planned for the next meeting (distributed as L&Q.201123.018). It was noted that the ‘tutorials’ item will be student destinations for the next meeting. The committee agreed that the QIP area for the next meeting should be KAFI 3 – additional support. Governors asked to see information on high needs learners in dedicated provision separate from that on high needs learners being supported across the rest of the curriculum. Action – RP and RW.

15.0 Any Other Business


16.0 Date of the Next Meeting

The next meeting of the committee will take place at 4.30pm on Wednesday 13th March 2024.