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Name Job Title
Patricia Harman (PH) Governor - Vice Chair of the Committee and Chair for this meeting
Liz Mossop (LM) Governor
Sharon Townes (ST) Governor
Graham Basten (GB) Co-opted Member
Janet Smith (JS) CEO/Principal and Governor
Liam Sewell (LS) Staff Governor
Caitlin Duffield (CD) Student Governor

In attendance:

Name Job Title
Mohammed Ramzan (MR) Deputy Principal Curriculum, Quality and Student Experience
Andy Comyn (AC) Deputy CEO / CFO
Lisa Wilson (LWi) Executive Director of Employer Services
Ruth Perry (RP) Director of Teaching and Learning Development and Innovation
Caroline Sheard (CS) Director of Study Programmes
Rachel Wadsworth (RW) Director of Student Services
Gareth Sykes (GS) Interim Director of Quality
Rachel Robson (RR) Director of Governance
Jo Welham (JW) Governance and Corporate Support Manager

1.0 Welcome and Apologies 

029 PH welcomed all to the meeting, she confirmed that in the absence of the Chair of the Committee she would chair this meeting. As this was the first meeting for CD introductions were made. Apologies were received from Mary Carswell, Henry Icke and Angela Kandola.

2.0 Declarations of Interest

030 Interests declared:

  • JS declared the following interests: 
    • CEO/Principal Nottingham College
    • Trustee and Board Members of Skills and Education Group (SEG), awarding organisation and charity 
    • Ofsted Inspector
    • Member of D2N2 LEP Principals’ Group 
  • LM:
    • Deputy Vice Chancellor(Student Development & Engagement), University of Lincoln 
  • GB:
    • Senior Lecturer / Departmental Head Wolverhampton School of Medicine, University of Wolverhampton 

No other interests were declared.

3.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting 

031 The Committee resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 26th September 2022 (distributed as L&Q.211122.002) be approved as a true record.

4.0 Actions and Matters Arising

4.1 Actions 

032 The Committee reviewed the Action Tracker (distributed as L&Q.211122.003): 
26.9.22 Action 1 Updates on progression and processes to be taken throughout 22/23. Action ongoing 
26.9.22 Action 2 Safeguarding Report updated ahead of Board. Action complete. 
26.9.22 Action 3 GS updated the meeting on the action placed on the potential to track progress via external assessment in English and maths. He confirmed that this had not previously been possible, but that MIS have confirmed that this data can be extracted moving forward. A governor asked if it would be possible to have this information at the next meeting to sit alongside the November resit outcomes. GS confirmed that he hoped to be able to do that. A governor queried whether learners have the opportunity to enhance a previously achieved grade 4 outcome. JS and CS confirmed that learners who require grade 5 or above for entry onto a university course are given that opportunity. 

Action: GS to bring report on progress via external assessment in English and maths 

26.9.22 Action 4 Functional skills and vocational data shared. An additional paper on vocational outcomes was shared in hard copy at the meeting. Action complete. 

4.2 Matters Arising 

033 There were no matters arising.

5.0 Quality and Performance

5.1 Report from the Deputy Principal 

034 The committee received the report from the Deputy Principal Learning, Quality and Student Experience (distributed as L&Q.2211122.004). MR highlighted the key points: 

  • Update on progress to deliver T levels. Training being delivered to key staff funded through the Education and Training Foundation. Building good links with other providers. 
  • English and maths resit numbers. Overall numbers studying English and maths in 22/23 has increased. 
  • Update on overall achievement for 21/22 
  • KPIs were reviewed. Work with learners who have returned to college highlighted. 
  • Update on attrition 

035 A governor questioned the interest and understanding in T level provision. MR noted that many learners come to the college to initially study at levels 1 and 2, T levels may not be the best pathway to widen participation. JS noted the concern within the sector around the potentially narrow nature of T levels. She advised that the initial pathways being delivered did not entail significant changes from the way that those subjects were currently delivered.

036 Governors were pleased to note the measures in place to increase attendance. A governor asked if the college response to low attendance was sufficiently prompt. MR confirmed that potentially vulnerable learners are identified at the start of the year with additional support in place to support those at risk learners. He explained the actions in place and the incremental way in which the actions are taken. CS confirmed that the college is seeking to recruit attendance officers to provide further support. She also highlighted the introduction of free breakfasts to encourage learners into college. A governor queried current attendance compared to the same point in 21/22. JS noted the way attendance is tracked through the enrolment period and that this will lead to a readjustment now that process is complete. GS highlighted all the actions in place and confirmed that all learners with attendance below 85% have an action plan. 

037 JS confirmed that the college has been advised that a full Ofsted inspection will take place from 29th November to 2nd December. She confirmed that RP would act as nominee and LW as the second nominee in relation to skills. JS confirmed that she would be in contact with those governors that will meet with inspectors. 

038 MR took governors through the achievement data in the KPI report and in the additional data sheet circulated at the meeting. Governors reflected on issues previously raised around the need to increase the number of higher grades. MR confirmed initiatives are in place to challenge learners to achieve higher grades.

5.2 Report from the Executive Director Employer Services 

039 The committee received the report from the Executive Director Employer Services (distributed as L&Q.211122.05). LW highlighted the need to submit a TEF application by the end of January and confirmed that Damien Fidler had been working with the college to support on this. An advertisement for a new Dean of HE closes shortly. A governor offered to support with the TEF application if required. She asked if students were planning a submission. LW confirmed that this was planned and noted the need to support with evidence. LW updated on the recent work undertaken with the Open University. A governor queried the recruitment to HE courses noting this to be below forecast. LW highlighted the decisions taken not to run some courses due to low numbers, she confirmed that the college was looking at January/February starts. She also highlighted new courses being planned. 

Action: LW to report to the next meeting on HE January/February starts. 

040 The Chair congratulated the college on the technical trainer provider of the year award at the National Bodyshop Awards. A governor noted the work undertaken and success in project funding awarded. 

041 A governor queried the position with apprentices now not expected to achieve before July 2025. LW confirmed that these courses were 3 to 4 years in length and had mis-planned end dates. The college has been transparent with the employers and learners involved. 

5.3 21/22 Achievement 

042 GS presented the achievement rates final overview for 21/22 (distributed as L&Q.211122.006). A governor queried if the position at level 2 was in specific areas or across college. GS confirmed this was across the college. A governor questioned the difference in achievement by gender against national rates in apprenticeship.

6.0 Teaching and Learning 

6.1 Report from director of TLD&I 

043 The committee received the Report from the Director of Teaching and Learning Development and Innovation (distributed as L&Q.211122.007). RP summarised the teaching and learning development activities that have taken place, those that are planned and highlighted the next steps. A governor queried the reaction to formative assessment. RP confirmed this work commenced in 21/22 in every area, staff are embracing the changes. A governor asked if parents have access to learners’ target grades. RP confirmed that this was available through the parent portal. Detailed discussion took place on target setting, learners’ awareness of their targets and how this is being achieved. Governors were pleased to note the positive comments and behaviours coming through from the induction reviews. 

6.2 Tutorials Update 

044 CS presented the report on tutorial activities (distributed as L&Q.211122.008). She took governors through the key actions implemented for 22/23 and the activities planned for the remainder of the term. An ongoing training schedule is in place for pastoral tutors. CS confirmed that schemes of work have been adapted to reflect the needs of each vocational area and the level of study of learners. Governors were pleased to note the progress made and asked to be kept updated through the year. CD confirmed that in her experience her fellow learners are engaged with the tutorial programme. She also highlighted that she feels safe and engaged at college.

7.0 SAR and QIP 

045 RP presented the college SAR and QIP (distributed as L&Q.21122.009/10). Governors present noted their involvement in the process through their attendance at validation meetings through their link governor roles and attendance at the SAR moderation meeting. RP confirmed the acceleration in pace and highlighted the change from being transactional to now being transformational. Governors reflected on the positive improvements that had been made in the last year. RP confirmed that as the college works to the mid-point in the year further movement in grades would be evident. Governors reviewed the grade for the skills sub-judgement and considered the conversation and evidence provided at the moderation meeting. The committee felt that all the work undertaken confirmed the college to be ‘strong’ in this area. Governors reviewed the QIP. It was noted that KAFI 3 refers to high needs provision across the curriculum. Governors requested an in depth review of KAFI 7 at the next meeting. 

Action: RP – to update the SAR to confirm ‘strong’ for the skills sub judgement 
Action: RP/CS – to bring an in-depth review of progress against KAFI 7 to the next meeting. 

The committee resolved to recommend approval of the SAR (as amended) and QIP to the Board.

8.0 Student Safety and Wellbeing 

8.1 Report from Director Student Services 

046 The committee received the report (distributed as L&Q.211122.011). A governor queried how students are given financial support to access food. RW confirmed that this is via a card, but this does not seem to be the barrier to access. Work is ongoing to ensure a higher take up of the support available. 

047 RW confirmed that the college has been shortlisted for an AoC Beacon Award for mental health and wellbeing. The committee congratulated all involved noting this reflects the distance that the college has travelled in recent months. CD confirmed that she is aware of students that choose to come to the college over other providers because of the wellbeing support available.

8.2 Safeguarding Report Q1 

048 RW presented the report (distributed as L&Q.211122.012). She highlighted key points:

  • Focus on embedding of Keeping Children Safe in Education.
  • Significant decrease in safeguarding incidents to date compared to the same period last year
  • Reported themes being reviewed to enable resources to be targeted. There is a decrease in reporting of mental health issues, but more support is in place. 
  • Similar reduction in recorded incidents in relation to behaviour

9.0 Learner and Employer Voice

049 The committee received the outcome of the term 1 student survey (distributed as L&Q.211122.013). GS confirmed that the overall response rate had exceeded the target. He advised that next steps were for the outcomes to be validated through faculty level focus groups to enable a more accurate set of actions to be produced and undertaken. Results will be shared with learners through ‘you said, we did’. A governor noted the potential correlation in responses and areas performing less well. A governor queried the amount of detail collated. GS confirmed that the use of the focus groups would ensure that key issues were picked up and progressed.

10.0 Policies

050 The committee reviewed the updated Residential Accommodation Policy (distributed as L&Q.211122.014) and resolved to recommend to Board for approval.

11.0 Review of Risks

051 The committee noted the risks included in the curriculum and quality section of the risk register (distributed as L&Q.211122.015) and confirmed that the agenda and reports reflected those risks. Governors noted the reduction in the score of three of the identified risks.

11.0 Agenda Items for the Next Meeting

052 The committee reviewed and approved the agenda items planned for the next meeting (distributed as L&Q.211122.016). In addition it was noted that a post inspection action plan will be brought.

12.0 Any Other Business

053 The Chair thanked all for their contributions to the meeting.

13.0 Date of the Next Meeting

054 The next meeting of the committee will take place on 4.30pm on Monday 27th February 2022.