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Name Job Title
Mary Carswell (MC) Governor – Chair
Henry Icke (HI) Student Governor
Janet Smith (JS) CEO/Principal and Governor
Sharon Townes (ST) Governor

In attendance:

Name Job Title
Mohammed Ramzan (MR) Deputy Principal Curriculum, Quality and Student Experience
Andy Comyn (AC) Deputy CEO / CFO
Lisa Wilson (LW) Executive Director of Employer Services
Ruth Perry (RP) Director of Teaching and Learning Development and innovation
Caroline Sheard (CS) Director of Study Programmes
Rachel Wadsworth (RW) Director of Student Services
Gareth Sykes (GS) Interim Director of Quality
Rachel Robson (RR) Director of Governance
Jo Welham (JW) Governance and Corporate Support Manager

1.0 Welcome and Apologies

079 MC welcomed all to the meeting. Apologies were received from Caitlin Duffield, Patricia Harman, Angela Kandola, Liz Mossop and Liam Sewell. It was noted that Graham Basten has stepped down from his role as a co-opted member of the committee.

2.0 Declarations of Interest 

080 Interests declared:

  • JS declared the following interests: 
    • CEO/Principal Nottingham College 
    • Trustee and Board Members of Skills and Education Group (SEG), awarding organisation and charity 
    • Ofsted Inspector 
    • Member of D2N2 LEP Principals’ Group 

No other interests were declared.

3.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

081 The Committee resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 27th February 2023 (distributed as L&Q.240423.002) be approved as a true record.

4.0 Actions and Matters Arising

4.1 Actions 

082 The Committee reviewed the Action Tracker (distributed as L&Q.240423.003): 
26.09.22 Action 1 Updates on progression and processes to be taken throughout 22/23. Action ongoing. 
27.02.22 Action 1 Update on engineering and automotive included in report at item 6. Action complete. 
27.02.22 Action 2 Governors have received invitation. Action complete. 
27.02.22 Action 3 Example of parent portal shared. Action complete. 
21.11.22 Action 4 Update on completion of NSS provided. Action complete. 

4.2 Matters Arising 

083 There were no matters arising.

5.0 Quality and Performance

5.1 Report from the Deputy Principal 

084 The committee received the report from the Deputy Principal Learning, Quality and Student Experience (distributed as L&Q.240423.004). MR highlighted the key points: 

  • Update on recent staff CPD, focus on being a ‘Future Ready’ college 
  • Summary of reforms to qualifications at level 2 and below 
  • PSE qualifications to be reformed from September 2027 delivery. 
  • Work continuing on the introduction of T levels in September 2023 
  • Update on English and maths 
  • Update on KPIs. Delivery of AEB to exceed the threshold is a key priority. 

085 A governor queried the increase in learners sitting GCSE maths and English compared to summer 2022. CS confirmed that in the previous year some learners had sat functional skills exams. She also noted the impact of covid-19 on the levels that learners had attained prior to joining the college compared to previous years. 

086 Governors considered the current 16 to 18 retention data, queries were raised and discussed around the non-achievement of the current target at one centre. Governors requested that clear comparison data is included through reports to enable areas for concern and trends to be clearly identified. JS confirmed that a balanced scorecard at college level would be introduced moving forwards. 

087 Governors initiated discussion on the work underway to improve the A level pass rate and self-assessment grade at High Pavement, current attendance was noted. RP explained the work undertaken to date, she noted the work with an external consultant and the improvements identified through that work. Governors expressed concerns on likely outcomes this year. RP highlighted that changes and improvements have been made in subject specific teaching and in the leadership structure.

088 A governor noted the positive response from staff during a link governor visit to the CPD that had been undertaken, she queried how the impact of that CPD could be measured. RP confirmed that CPD days were planned against the actions identified in the QIP and in the college’s learning principles where teachers are required put into action learning that comes through CPD, that this is then picked up through PDRs. JS highlighted the recent inspection outcome and the targeted nature of CPD as reported to the committee in RP’s reports. Discussion took place on the potential to measure the outcome and therefore the value for money of targeted CPD. 

090 Governors reviewed attendance data; it was noted that strategies to improve are in place, but that attendance remains below target. Governors asked for an analysis of the success of actions implemented to improve attendance to the next meeting. (Action MR). JS reflected that this is a national issue this year with attendance below targets being reported across the sector.

5.2 Report from the Executive Director Employer Services 

091 LW took governors through her report (distributed as L&Q.240423.005). Governors reviewed the updated accountability agreement. LW asked if governors were content with the local area as set out in the paper. Governors supported the description noting this this reflected college recruitment patterns. LW noted the Board’s duty to review and the impact of the later than expected release of the LSIP. She also highlighted the requirement on the Board to collaborate with other providers. Governors considered who they would want to collaborate with, other local colleges were identified and LW agreed to progress arrangements. The need to develop the approach over time was noted. LW confirmed that the agreement would be taken to the Board on 15th May for approval. 

092 LW updated governors on key aspects of apprenticeship provision. Governors noted the focus on engineering and the developments underway. MR updated on the change of the Head of Centre at Highfields. Governors noted the current position in relation to responses to the employer survey and asked for an update for plans to improve the response rate in 23/24. The actions taken in year were noted. It was also noted that a very positive response had been provided by employers as a part of the Ofsted inspection but that the college did not have access to that data. Action: LW - to confirm plans for next year to improve responses to employer surveys 

093 Governors noted the update on subcontracted provision. AC confirmed that an update and request to agree a reallocation would be taken to Board in May. 

094 Governors were very pleased to note the appointment of the new Dean of HE.

6.0 Teaching and Learning Report from Director of TLD&I 

095 RP took governors through the report (distributed as L&Q.240423.006). She confirmed that the key priorities moving forward will include improving the quality and effectiveness of key assessment points to accurately monitor learner progress. A governor queried the alignment of Markbook and the teacher dashboard, RP confirmed that these will be linked from next year. A governor asked if the teacher dashboard and CPD would be aligned, RP confirmed that targeted intervention and training was possible. She confirmed that all study programmes would be moved to Markbook by the end of the year.

7.0 QIP 22/23 7.1 QIP update

096 The committee received and noted the updated QIP (distributed as L&Q.240423.007). Discussion on key areas was taken under earlier agenda items. 

7.2 QIP KAFI3 – learners with support needs 

097 Governors received an update on progress against the key points in KAFI3 (distributed as L&Q.240423.008). The enhanced focus following the Ofsted outcome was highlighted. Governors noted the key areas for improvement and the progress to date. A governor questioned the measures used to identify improvements. RP confirmed that attendance, retention and ability to progress are used. It was noted that an external centre of excellence SEND review is planned in collaboration with the ETF and City College Norwich.

8.0 Student Safety and Wellbeing

8.1 Report from Director Student Services 

098 The committee received the report (distributed as L&Q.240423.009). The updates on preparations for enrolment, wellbeing and additional learning support were noted. 

8.2 Safeguarding Report Q3 

099 The committee received the quarter 3 report (distributed as L&Q.240423.009). RW highlighted an issue that occurred on a recent trip, she confirmed that the Chair and safeguarding link governor were advised and that a report has been commissioned. The report will be brought to the next meeting (Action RW). 

100 Governors considered how incidents are reported in safeguarding reports. After discussion it was agreed that future reports should include details of more serious incidents that occur on college sites. 

Action: RW - to include details of serious incidents in college in safeguarding reports.

9.0 Learner and Employer Voice

101 The committee received the outcome of the FE term 2 survey (distributed as L&Q.240423.011). GS confirmed that the survey outcomes will be considered by faculty level focus groups to contextualise the responses and enable an accurate set of actions to be produced. Results are then communicated to learners through ‘you said we did’ communications. A governor sought clarity on which faculty area did not achieve the participation target. GS confirmed the faculty area and noted that there were staffing issues at that time. A governor queried the preparation in place ahead of the survey. GS confirmed that staff were briefed.

10.0 Policies

102 The committee reviewed the HE Bursary Policy (distributed as L&Q.240423.012) and resolved to recommend the policy to Board for approval subject to the required date change identified.

11.0 Review of Risks

103 The committee noted the risks included in the curriculum and quality section of the risk register (distributed as L&Q.240423.013) and confirmed that the agenda and reports reflected those risks.

12.0 Agenda for the Next Meeting 

104 The committee reviewed and approved the agenda items planned for the next meeting (distributed as L&Q.240423.014). A governor requested that the committee receives predicted achievement at the next meeting. 

Action: MR to include predictions for 22/23 outcomes in report

13.0 Any Other Business 

105 The Chair thanked all for their contributions to the meeting.

14.0 Date of the Next Meeting 

106 The next meeting of the committee will take place on 4.30pm on Monday 19th June 2023. It was noted that this would be the final meeting of the committee to be chaired by MC. The committee thanked MC for all her work in establishing and chairing the committee.