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Name Job Title
Patricia Harman (PH) Chair External Governor
Andy Griffin (AG) (via Teams) External Governor
Liz Mossop (LM) from item 6 External Governor
Sharon Townes (ST) External Governor
Kirsty Bailey (KB) Staff Governor
Janet Smith (JS) CEO/Principal and Governor

In attendance:

Name Job Title
David Marlow (DM) (Vice Chair and Chair Designate) External Governor
Andy Comyn (AC) Deputy CEO / CFO
Lisa Wilson (LW) Executive Director of Employer Services
Ruth Perry (RP) Vice Principal Innovation and Improvement
Rachel Wadsworth (RW) Vice Principal Curriculum and Support
Caroline Sheard (CS) Director of Study Programmes
Claire Barton (CB) Assistant Principal Higher Education
Carl Ara (CA) Assistant Principal - Basford & Arthur Mee
Lindsey Smith (LS) Assistant Principal - Ruddington
Rachel Robson (RR) Director of Governance
Jo Welham (JW) Governance and Corporate Support Manager

1.0 Welcome and Apologies

001 PH welcomed all to the first meeting of the academic year and her first meeting as Chair of the Committee. She reflected on the importance of staff and governors working together for the benefits of the college and its students. There were no apologies. It was noted that LM would be a little late joining. RR confirmed that the processes to appoint new student governors and a new staff governor are underway and that they should be present at the next meeting.

2.0 Declarations of Interest

002 Interests declared: 

  • JS declared the following interests: 
    • CEO/Principal Nottingham College 
    • Trustee and Board Members of Skills and Education Group (SEG), awarding organisation and charity 
    • Ofsted Inspector 
    • Member of D2N2 LEP Principals’ Group 
    • Member of EMCCA Skills Devolution Workstream 
    • Member of Nottingham Growth Board 
  • LM 
    • Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Development & Engagement), University of Lincoln 

No other interests were declared in relation to the items on this agenda.

3.0 Committee Vice Chair 23/24 

003 The Committee resolved to appoint ST as Vice Chair of the Committee for 23/24.

4.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

004 The Committee resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 19th June 2023 (distributed as L&Q.250923.002) be approved as a true record.

5.0 Actions and Matters Arising

5.1 Actions 

005 The Committee reviewed the Action Tracker (distributed as L&Q.250923.003): 
24.04.23 Action 4 – details of serious incidents in college to be included in safeguarding reports – ongoing throughout 23/24 
19.6.23 Actions 1 and 2 – the committee reviewed a paper providing an update on independent learning skills and work experience (distributed as L&Q.250923.004). Governors were pleased to note that 91% of work placement capacity development target was achieved. It was agreed that the work placement action could be closed; a new action (CS) was placed to follow up later in the year with a report detailing how many students have had external work placements. Governors asked for an update in year on the work to offer work placements to full time students with employers when apprentices are in college for their 20% off the job gap (action CS). The committee agreed to close the existing action on independent learning and to open a new action to receive an update in year on progress to include a comparison of how successful the actions in place have been at level 3 versus other levels of study (action CS). 
19.6.23 Action 3 – Trip guidance included in item 8.1. Action complete. 
19.6.23 Action 4 – RW confirmed that the SEND action plan will be shared when the work is complete. Action ongoing. 19.6.23 Action 5 – the Safeguarding Policy was edited before approval by Board. Action complete. 
19.6.23 Action 6 – FOS Statement on this agenda. Action complete. 
19.6.23 Action 7 – EDI Report amends made. Action complete. 

5.2 Matters Arising 

006 There were no matters arising.

6.0 Quality and Performance

6.1 L&Q Committee Governor Dashboard 

007 The committee received the newly developed learning and quality dashboard (distributed as L&Q.250923.005). JS confirmed that the dashboard takes the form of a balanced scorecard of KPIs grouped into four areas: teaching and learning, curriculum performance, stakeholder experience and progress and destinations. Governors will receive updated slides at each meeting of the committee as the KPI data becomes available during the year, enabling governors to monitor progress over time. RAG ratings have been introduced to improve data accessibility and to highlight strengths and areas for improvement. JS asked for feedback from the committee on the proposed dashboard. 

008 A governor queried whether live data would be shared. RP confirmed that the data to be shared will be a snapshot. JS confirmed that all five slides would be shared as the year progressed to enable governors to track progress and for shifting patterns to be apparent. Governors were positive about the proposed dashboard and the ability to see the starting points and how patterns move in year. A governor welcomed the proposal and suggested that both staff and governors be open to adaptations to the format in year as the use of the dashboard progresses. JS highlighted the focus on the issues viewed as key at inspection and that the increasing importance of destinations and progress reflected in the Accountability Agreement and Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) are captured.

009 A governor queried how governors will track English and maths attendance. JS confirmed that this information can be added to the dashboard. RP confirmed that English and maths will be tracked through the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP). A governor queried whether ‘adults’ would include HE students. CB confirmed that this data can be pulled through separately. Action – JS to include HE attendance and retention data in the dashboard. 

010 The committee resolved to approve the proposed format for the dashboard subject to refinements that maybe agreed in year.

6.2 Vice Principal Innovation and Improvement Report 

011 RP presented the report providing an update on known achievements in A levels and GCSEs (distributed as L&Q.250923.006). RP confirmed that overall achievement for A levels shows a 12% decline against the 18/19 outcomes, the suggested comparative measure from the DfE for this year. She noted that sector wide pass rates have declined post covid and that this will be reflected in the National Achievement Rate Tables when these are released in January. The committee reviewed the data shared by subject, noting the areas of strength and those where improvement is required. RP highlighted that she and RW will lead a support plan for the High Pavement campus through 23/24. Progress will be reported to the committee via the QIP. RP also took governors through the GCSE pass rates, the significant increase in entries reflected the college’s planned move from functional skills to GCSEs for all students. The achievement against national average for English and maths (9-4) was disappointing, and RP highlighted the new leadership structure for English and maths that will focus on underperforming areas for intervention and sharing of best practice. A governor welcomed the data showing the number of students that had achieved an increase of at least one grade but expressed concern that some students had achieved a lower grade than previously. RP emphasised the work underway to address the areas of underperformance including timetabling issues. Governors considered the impact of government policy, underperformance in schools, local deprivation, entry criteria, exam preparation and the need to make English and maths relevant to vocational qualifications. RP confirmed that the committee will be able to monitor progress through the QIP throughout the year. A governor noted the positive progression of students to HE programmes and what support would be offered early in those programmes where required. CB confirmed that staff were aware of support needs for students progressing internally to HE and that early conversations with students would enable necessary support to be put in place. A governor queried the use of the curriculum lens process to consider which courses the college continues to offer. JS confirmed that this work was undertaken based on performance, quality of outcomes and whether the college can effectively deliver a course.

6.3 Staff Development Update 

012 The committee received the update report (distributed as L&Q.250923.007). RP confirmed that the programme planned is aligned to the LSIP and the college Accountability Agreement to ensure that the curriculum is ‘Future Ready’. 

6.4 Annual Complaints Report 

013 The committee reviewed the report (distributed as L&Q.250923.008). A governor queried the apparently low overall number of complaints for the size of the college. RP confirmed that some issues that are raised are dealt with informally and do not progress to a formal complaint. The committee asked for these issues to be included in future annual reports (action RP), to enable it to identify issues that are addressed. Governors asked for HE related complaints to be included in the next annual report (action RP/CB).

7.0 College Self Assessment

014 RP confirmed that the SAR process was underway and working to a planned timetable. SAR validation meetings have been planned and link governors have been invited to attend where possible. RP confirmed that the SAR will be brought to the next meeting of the committee for review and recommendation to Board for approval. The next meeting will also receive the closed QIP for 22/23. 

015 A governor queried the likely overall self-assessed grade for 22/23. RP confirmed that an increased number of areas were self-assessing as grade 2. JS highlighted that Ofsted have moved away from concentrating on achievement noting the significance placed on the learner experience, progress, the teaching and learning experience and destinations.

8.0 Curriculum and Support

8.1 Vice Principal curriculum and Support Report 

016 RW presented the report (distributed as L&Q.250923.009) to the committee. She provided governors with an update on enrolments noting the increase at 16-18 and 19+. She confirmed that HE enrolment was starting shortly. A governor queried whether targets had been met. RW confirmed that targets had been met and exceeded to this point, the next key target would be to retain students to the 42 day point. JS updated on the targets that the college works to and how these have been and will be achieved. She confirmed that the new staffing structures have helped to push through the targets and highlighted a cultural shift in the ownership in achieving targets. AC confirmed that an updated enrolment report would be taken to Finance & Assets Committee and to Board. 

017 Governors received the updated trip guidance, noting the clarity of the expectations on all concerned. 

8.2 Annual Safeguarding Report 22/23 

018 The committee received and reviewed the annual safeguarding report (distributed as L&Q.250923.010). RW highlighted the key points to governors noting staff changes, policy update, staff training, referrals and incidents and the priorities for the coming year. A governor noted that the data tables included in quarterly reports were very useful in providing governors with contextual detail and also noted that breakdowns on a campus basis were also useful. An action was placed for this information to be included in future annual reports (action RW) 

8.3 Campus Report – Basford and Arthur Mee 

019 CA, Assistant Principal for Basford and Arthur Mee, provided the committee with a presentation on the campus. This is the first such report to the committee to provide contextual information on each campus. CA gave details on the size of the campus in terms of both staff and student numbers, the key subjects delivered, updated staffing structure, key areas of activity, areas for improvement and areas of strength. The Chair thanked CA for his very useful presentation.

9.0 Employer Services

9.1 Executive Director Employer Services Report 

020 LW presented her report (distributed as L&Q.250923.012). She highlighted the bids won for the college and the income generated through those, the bids currently submitted and new contracts won. Governors were very pleased with the work undertaken and the success achieved in these areas. 

9.2 Apprenticeships Performance Update Report 

021 The report (distributed as L&Q.250923.013) was presented to the committee by LS. She noted that the recruitment for quarter 1 was strong and had met the target for starts by the end of October, work is now underway to achieve 125% of target. LS highlighted the introduction of OneFile and benefits of that for employers and apprentices to see progress over time against the relevant standard. An update was given on apprentices beyond their planned end date. Achievement for 22/23 was reviewed, this is below that for 21/22, LS took governors through the external factors that have had an impact on achievement. Governors noted the weekly monitoring in place for achievement and end point assessments (EPAs). A governor asked if the issues identified with EPAs was ongoing. LS confirmed that issues are ongoing as providers are withdrawing from delivering EPAs, she confirmed that the college is looking to offer EPAs for other providers in the hope that this initiative will prompt others to do similarly. A governor questioned the impact from an employer’s perspective. LS confirmed that expectations can be difficult to manage and highlighted the need to achieve the targets set in contracts.

9.3 Campus Report – Ruddington 

022 LS, Assistant Principal for Ruddington, provided the committee with a presentation on the campus. She confirmed details on the size of the campus in terms of both staff and apprentice numbers, the facilities at Ruddington, the key areas of delivery, the engagement plan, key areas for improvement and highlights in 22/23. The Chair thanked LS for her very useful presentation. 

9.4 Subcontracting 

023 LW provided governors with an update on subcontracted delivery (report distributed as L&Q.250923.015). She confirmed the current predicted outturn for 22/23. Issues with contracts for 23/24 following on from the tender process and the change of contract terms were noted. LW confirmed these matters had been reported in full to the recent meeting of the Audit Committee and that an updated report would be taken to Board on 16th October. A governor questioned the likely variances against contract for 22/23. LW confirmed that assurances had been given that contracts would be met, this has led to changes in contract terms for 23/24 to give the college increased control. A governor queried the accuracy of registers. LW confirmed that registers are submitted monthly and that unannounced and announced visits continue to be made, no issues were identified through these processes. The most recent issue only came to light after the end of 22/23 when a final return was made. A governor asked if there is a mechanism for dual lesson observations, LW confirmed that the college undertakes TLA reviews and moderation.

10.0 Accountability Agreement

024 The committee reviewed the update on the progress against the targets identified in the agreement (distributed as L&Q.250923.016). Governors were pleased to note the positive progress made.

11.0 Higher Education

025 CB presented the Higher Education Report (distributed as L&Q.250923.0170). She highlighted the expectations of the Office for Students (OfS) on Governing Bodies, the conditions of registration were shared in the report. CB confirmed that moving forward the Academic Board will meet shortly in advance of L&Q meetings to enable the committee to receive the minutes of the Academic Board. This will in turn enable governors to have clear oversight and execute the required responsibilities. 

026 Governors reviewed the key points of the report: 

  • Outcomes for 22/23 are good 
  • Recruitment target for 23/24 is ambitious, with approximately a 20% increase on 22/23. CB confirmed that enrolment to date was at 80% of the target 
  • The college has achieved an overall TEF rating of bronze, with a student experience rating of bronze and a student outcomes rating of silver. The college will be required to reapply for a TEF rating in 2026. 
  • National Student Survey (NSS) 2023 – high response rate of 82% compared to a national rate of 71.5%.

027 Governors congratulated the staff on the excellent TEF rating.

028 A governor expressed caution in relation to the interpretation of the outcomes of the NSS data in comparisons with previous years as the survey questions and response scales changed for 2023. It was also noted that there is no overall satisfaction question. The need to understand the comparison with other FE providers of HE was noted. Governors queried the responses to learning resources, CB confirmed that students need to have a greater understanding of what ‘resources’ includes.

12.0 Policy Review

029 The committee reviewed the Statement of Expectations, Responsibilities and Obligations Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech (distributed as L&Q.250923.018). CB confirmed that the statement will be promoted to students through the induction process and that staff training is planned. She highlighted how the statement interacts with other college policies. The chair thanked LM for her support on this item. The committee resolved to recommend the statement to the board for approval.

13.0 Stakeholder Surveys 

030 The committee received the timetables for FE learner surveys, apprentice surveys, employer surveys and HE surveys in 23/24 together with dates for reporting outcomes to the committee (distributed as L&Q.250923.019). A governor highlighted the need for students to have questions explained to them before undertaking surveys. RP explained that this will be undertaken through tutorials.

14.0 Review of Risks

031 The committee noted the risks included in the curriculum and quality section of the risk register (distributed as L&Q.250923.021). Governors queried whether C&Q5 needed to remain, whether further updates would be made when all achievements were known and whether the target risk score deadlines were achieved. An updated register will come to the next meeting.

15.0 Agenda Items for the Next Meeting

032 Governors agreed the items for the next meeting (distributed as L&Q.250923.020) and asked RR to update the business schedule in light of the restructure of ELT (action RR).

16.0 Any Other Business

033 The Chair thanked all staff for their reports and contribution to the committee. 

17.0 Date of the Next Meeting

034 The next meeting of the committee will take place at 4.30pm on Monday 20th November 2023.