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Name Job Title
Mary Carswell (MC) Governor and Chair
Patricia Harman (PH) Governor
Angela Kandola (AK) Governor
Liz Mossop (LM) Governor
Graham Basten (GB) Co-opted Member
Janet Smith (JS) CEO/Principal and Governor
Liam Sewell (LS) Staff Governor

In attendance:

Name Job Title
Mohammed Ramzan (MR) Deputy Principal Curriculum, Quality and Student Experience
Andy Comyn (AC) Deputy CEO / CFO
Lisa Wilson (LWi) Executive Director of Employer Services
Ruth Perry (RP) Director of Teaching and Learning Development and Innovation
Caroline Sheard (CS) Director of Study Programmes
Rachel Wadsworth (RW) Director of Student Services
Gareth Sykes (GS) Interim Director of Quality
Rachel Robson (RR) Director of Governance
Jo Welham (JW) Governance and Corporate Support Manager

1.0 Welcome and Apologies 

001 MC welcomed all to the first meeting of the academic year, introductions were made. LM, AK and GB were welcomed to their first meeting. Apologies were received from Sharon Townes. RR confirmed that the process to appoint new student governors was underway and that they should be present at the next meeting.

2.0 Declarations of Interest

002 Interests Declared:

  • JS declared the following interests: 
    • CEO/Principal Nottingham College
    • Trustee and Board Members of Skills and Education Group (SEG), awarding organisation and charity
    • Ofsted Inspector 
    • Member of D2N2 LEP Principals’ Group 
  • AK
    • Councillor, Nottingham City Council
  • LM 
    • Deputy Vice Chancellor(Student Development & Engagement), University of Lincoln 
  • GB
    • Senior Lecturer / Departmental Head Wolverhampton School of Medicine, University of Wolverhampton 

No other interests were declared.

3.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

003 The Committee resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 30th June 2022 (distributed as L&Q.260922.002) be approved as a true record.

4.0 Actions and Matters Arising

4.1 Actions 

004 The Committee reviewed the Action Tracker (distributed as L&Q.260922.003). All actions were agreed to be complete. 

4.2 Matters Arising 

005 There were no matters arising.

5.0 Committee Chair and Vice Chair 22/23 

006 The Committee resolved to appoint MC as Chair and PH as Vice Chair of the Committee for 22/23.

6.0 Student Safety and Wellbeing 

6.1 Report from Director Student Services 

007 The committee received the report, presented by the Director of Student Services (distributed as L&Q.260922.004). RW summarised the key points of the report: 

  • Enrolment process for 22/23 has been successful 
  • Progression process is under review. Phase one was positive but phase two was less successful. There is work to be undertaken in year. 
  • An increased number of high needs funded places has been agreed for 22/23. This figure will be further reviewed with the LEA after 42 days, with an in year increase possible upon receipt of evidence. 

008 Governors questioned the number of progressing learners, noting the difference between the numbers who had identified their next steps and those that had subsequently enrolled for 22/23. Governors noted that this issue had been raised at previous meetings and highlighted the need to focus on this issue. JS confirmed that the numbers of progressing learners pre-enrolling was lower than she would have expected. She further advised that work is being undertaken on this issue and highlighted the significant impact this can have on the college and on the individual learners. She confirmed that tracking is underway to ascertain where those learners are. JS noted the efforts that have been undertaken by staff during September to increase the number of progressing learners. The committee requested that numbers be added to reports in addition to percentages to provide additional context. MC asked that the committee receives further updates on progression and the processes in place during the year. 

Action RW - to report to the committee on progression during 22/23.

6.2 Annual Safeguarding Report 21/22 

009 The committee reviewed the Annual Safeguarding Report (distributed as L&Q.260922.005). RW highlighted the key points from the report: 

  • Staffing updates 
  • All staff asked to read KCSIE part 1, current compliance position shared. 
  • Data from 21/22 shows an increase in reported incidents. RW confirmed that this reflects the position reported in FE colleges across the country and noted the impact of the lockdowns and the return to face to face learning. She highlighted the additional support measures being provided to learners in the additional behaviour mentors in post and in the online support/resources being made available. 

010 PH confirmed that she had undertaken a safeguarding link meeting with RW before the meeting. She noted the increases shown in table 7.2 in the report, she questioned whether these should all be recorded as safeguarding incidents or whether there needed to be additional support for staff to manage behaviour. RW confirmed that she and RP have considered this point and confirmed some incidents should be recorded as behaviour issues moving forward. She confirmed that support was being made available for teachers from trained behaviour mentors. A governor emphasised the need to ensure that care is taken to accurately report and record safeguarding incidents. RW advised that the team had agreed to leave the figures for 21/22 as reported but confirmed that in 22/23 all incidents would be reviewed to ensure that they were correctly recorded and followed through.

Action RW – to add context to the data shared in 7.2 on the reporting and recording of incidents ahead of sharing the report with the Board. 

011 A governor noted the data shared in respect of allegations against staff and asked how issues are shared with the Board. RW confirmed that any serious concerns are shared with PH as the safeguarding link governor and with the Chair of the Corporation. 

012 A governor questioned how the data is used and if this informs the work of behaviour mentors. RW confirmed that the data is broken down, for example by campus, to inform work to support staff and learners. A governor highlighted recent protests that have occurred in a neighbouring city, both RW and MR advised that they were not aware of any similar issues in Nottingham but would be alert to it. 6.3 Prevent 

013 The committee reviewed the Prevent Update Report (distributed as L&Q.260922.006). RW took governors through the key points of the report: 

  • Compliance with Prevent training is key priority. Resources are considered to be in need of updating to further engage learners, work has been undertaken to update. 
  • Annual Prevent week to be held in February, with further activity planned throughout the year 

014 A governor queried the key risk on requests for staff training and questioned if training should be mandatory. RW confirmed that training is mandatory with additional training and resources available on request.

7.0 Quality and Performance 

7.1 Report from the Deputy Principal 

015 The committee received the report from the Deputy Principal Learning, Quality and Student Experience (distributed as L&Q.260922.007). MR highlighted the key points: 

  • Busy and positive start to the year with an increased number of learners
  • Enrolment has been better than in previous years. Work is underway to keep withdrawals below 10%
  • New tutorial model as discussed at the last meeting is in place. British values incorporated through the theme of life in modern Britain. Team is being trained and supported with key focus for the year on strengthening relationships with parents and improving attendance. 
  • A level results included in the report, broken down by equality and diversity measures. Increase in overall achievement noted. 
  • GCSE results included in the report, broken down by equality and diversity measures. Focus moving forward to be increasing the overall pass rate and to improve the number of high grade passes (grades 9 to 4) 
  • KPIs were reviewed

016 Governors noted the key themes in the report and confirmed their expectation to monitor those through the year via reports and monitoring the progress against the QIP. It was noted that SAR validation meetings have now started, and link governors are invited to attend. A governor questioned if the college could track whether a learner gains a higher pass in English and or maths than that achieved in a previous exam sitting, and so is it possible to track progress via external assessment. Discussion took place on how progress is monitored and tracked. GS advised that he thought that is possible and would report to the next meeting. 

Action GS – to report to the next meeting on whether it is possible to track progress via external assessment in English and maths 

017 Governors highlighted the noticeably improved subject areas in the A level results, the areas presenting challenges were also noted. MR highlighted recent staff changes in some subject areas, he confirmed that the management structure at High Pavement has changed and that this now includes 5 new curriculum managers who are all A level specialists. These changes are already showing a noticeable difference to the start of the year. A governor asked for more context on the profile of learners at High Pavement. MR advised that the cohort is diverse, some learners join to re-take GCSEs before progressing to A levels and then onto HE. Some join at the start of an A level programme. There is a range of support needs. JS confirmed that some learners join pre 16, for example those from a home school background. MR confirmed that very few learners did not achieve their destinations goals following their A level results this summer. Governors welcomed the inclusive nature of the cohort at High Pavement. A governor asked for the functional skills and vocational outcomes to be shared. MR advised that these outcomes were still being finalised and that a full report will come to the next meeting. Governors asked for an email update when the information was available. 

Action MR – to share functional skills and vocational outcomes with the committee by email when this information is available.

7.2 Post 16 Education Bill Response 

018 The committee received the Report from the Executive Director Employer Services (distributed as L&Q.260922.08). LW confirmed that the report provided a summary of all the activity undertaken by the college to date as a direct response to the Post 16 Education Bill. JS confirmed that this was an area of strength for the college and that progress made against a very new agenda compares very favourably with other colleges. Governors were pleased to receive the report and the assurance that crucial elements of the requirements of the college were being met with clarity at both local and national level. JS highlighted the requirements of the enhancements made to the Ofsted framework to reflect these new requirements. LW advised that she and MR were working together to ensure that the curriculum was aligned and that these developments were not being progressed in isolation. A governor noted the challenges highlighted in the report in manufacturing and engineering. LW confirmed that a lot of work has been undertaken to improve equipment and to upskill staff. The committee resolved to approve the proposed approach set out in the report for annual curriculum review.

7.3 Report from the Executive Director Employer Services 

019 The committee received the Report from the Executive Director Employer Services (distributed as L&Q.260922.08). LW confirmed that the report provided an update on performance in relation to all areas of provision and business managed through employer services. She took governors through the key points of the report in each of the areas. The committee was pleased to note the good progress being made in working with other colleges and the resulting enhancement of the reputation of the college. 

020 A governor noted the overall positive responses to the national student survey, she questioned the plan to address the low scores for the learning resources. LW advised that the college is considering joining SCONUL, a system that gives access to other participating members’ libraries and online resources. She confirmed that she would update the committee in year on this point. A governor sought confirmation that the qualitative comments were being picked up. LW confirmed that work was underway.

021 Discussion took place on the possible opportunities for the college in ongoing regional plans. LW updated on current discussions that the college was taking part in.

8.0 Teaching and Learning

022 The committee received the Report from the Director of Teaching and Learning Development and Innovation (distributed as L&Q.260922.010). RP summarised the teaching and learning development activities that have taken place since the start of the academic year and those planned for half term. A governor asked if learners are aware of the rigorous ongoing training and learning undertaken by staff. RP advised that work could be undertaken with the student council to develop that understanding and that she would follow up on that.

9.0 Learner and Employer Voice

9.1 Employer Survey 2 and Apprentice Survey window 4

023 The committee received the reports for confirming the outcomes of the Employer Survey 2 and Apprentice Survey window 4. LW confirmed that actions are underway as a result of the outcomes. The ongoing issues around staff recruitment and retention were highlighted by the committee. A governor asked for future reports to provide context on the size of the employer and number of apprentices so that the potential risk could be better considered. 

9.2 Surveys 22/23 

024 The schedule of planned surveys for 22/23 was noted (distributed as L&Q.260922.012). It was noted that the NSS dates are not yet available and would be added later.

10.0 Review of Risks 

025 The committee noted the risks included in the curriculum and quality section of the risk register (distributed as L&Q.260922.013) and confirmed that the agenda and reports reflected those risks.

11.0 Agenda Items for the Next Meeting

026 The committee reviewed and approved the agenda items planned for the next meeting (distributed as L&Q.260922.014). In addition it was noted that the Deputy Principal’s Report will include functional skills and vocational outcomes.

12.0 Any Other Business

027 The Chair thanked all for their contributions to the meeting.

13.0 Date of the Next Meeting 

028 The next meeting of the committee will take place on 4.30pm on Monday 21 st November 2022. 

The Chair closed the meeting at 6.26pm