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Name Job Title
Mary Carswell (MC) Governor - Chair
Patricia Harman (PH) Governor
Angela Kandola (AK) Governor
Sharon Townes (ST) Governor
Janet Smith (JS) CEO/Principal and Governor
Liam Sewell (LS) Staff Governor

In attendance:

Name Job Title
Mohammed Ramzan (MR) Deputy Principal Curriculum, Quality and Student Experience
Andy Comyn (AC) Deputy CEO / CFO
Lisa Wilson (LWi) Executive Director of Employer Services
Caroline Sheard (CS) Director of Study Programmes
Rachel Wadsworth (RW) Director of Student Services
Gareth Sykes (GS) Interim Director of Quality
Sam North (SM) Study Programme Manager (item 8.2)
Rachel Robson (RR) Director of Governance
Jo Welham (JW) Governance and Corporate Support Manager

1.0 Welcome and Apologies 

055 MC welcomed all to the meeting. She congratulated all involved at the college in the Beacon Award for the mental health and wellbeing support offered to staff and students. Apologies were received from Graham Basten, Caitlin Duffield, Henry Icke, Liz Mossop and Ruth Perry.

2.0 Declarations of Interest 

056 Interests Declared:

  • JS declared the following interests: 
    • CEO/Principal Nottingham College 
    • Trustee and Board Members of Skills and Education Group (SEG), awarding organisation and charity 
    • Ofsted Inspector 
    • Member of D2N2 LEP Principals’ Group 
  • AK:
    • Nottingham City Council 

No other interests were declared.

3.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

057 The Committee resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 21 st November 2022 (distributed as L&Q.270223.002) be approved as a true record.

4.0 Actions and Matters Arising

4.1 Actions 

058 The Committee reviewed the Action Tracker (distributed as L&Q.270223.003): 
26.09.22 Action 1 Updates on progression and processes to be taken throughout 22/23. Action ongoing. 
21.11.22 Action 1 Tracking of progress included in report at item 5.4. Action complete. 
21.11.22 Action 2 Update on HE included at item 5.2. Action complete. 
21.11.22 Action 3 SAR updated ahead of Board. Action complete. 
21.11.22 Action 4 Review of KAFI7 on agenda. Action complete. 

4.2 Matters Arising 

059 There were no matters arising.

5.0 Quality and Performance

5.1 Report from the Deputy Principal 

060 The committee received the report from the Deputy Principal Learning, Quality and Student Experience (distributed as L&Q.270223.004). MR highlighted the key points: 

  • Summary of changes to level 3 qualifications. MR noted the concerns across the sector in the focus and timeframe of the proposed reforms. It was noted that announcements for level 2 and below are yet to be made. MR confirmed that the college is meeting with other colleges locally and with colleagues across the sector to consider the implication of the reforms. 
  • Work continuing on the introduction of T levels, the college is accessing support from Education and Training Foundation to deliver staff training. Links made with local colleges and best practice being shared. Work with employers is ongoing to ensure that learners can meet their industry placement requirements. 
  • KPIs were reviewed. Delivery of AEB to exceed the threshold is a key priority. Attendance remains a challenge, strategies to improve are in place. 
  • Update on curriculum planning process and progress made 
  • DfE qualification reforms added to risk register 

061 Governors queried the number of HE starts in January and February, the number of starts on the dental course was queried. This will be expanded on under the presentation of item 5.2. 061 Governors noted the position of qualifications at a national level and the lack of clarity. JS highlighted the issues with the emerging position and the lack of clarity. She noted the risk to the college and to learners in the move to T levels at level 3; the qualifications will not provide an appropriate route for leaners unable to undertake such an academic route. She expressed her concerns that many learners would not be able to progress beyond level 2 and confirmed that this concern is being raised through engagement with other colleges, the AoC and local MPs. The evidence from the T level pilots was noted. Governors were concerned by the potential implication of the reforms to level 3 qualifications that learners would have limited options in the future and would move into lower paid jobs as a consequence. It was noted that the proposed introduction by government to lifelong learning would be through loans. 

062 A governor noted the positive introduction of attendance officers and queried how long the college waits to intervene and any emerging patterns for non- attendance. MR noted a number of reasons for non-attendance and confirmed that further work was underway to interrogate the information held. The impact of the external financial situation and the resulting need for learners to work was noted. A governor questioned whether the learning environments established during the pandemic should be revisited. RW confirmed that this was already in place with online and virtual learning still being used. MR confirmed that this was being picked up with learners at key assessment points and that appropriate interventions are in place. A governor asked if every centre has an attendance officer in place. RW confirmed that attendance officers have been appointed at all centres with the exception of Highfields where recruitment is underway. A governor noted the potential financial impact of being able to access online learning. The Chair requested that the Board is approached if any direct support from governors would assist.

5.2 Report from the Executive Director Employer Services 

To be taken later in the meeting 

5.3 Destinations 

063 GS presented the destinations report (distributed as L&Q.270223.006). He advised that the college is now using PURLOSS to collect data via WhatsApp. This has led to a 14% increase in the data on known destinations that the college has been able to collect. Governors reviewed the data; the largest percentage of learners processed internally followed by progression into paid employment and then to other education providers. Governors queried whether it was possible to identify if the course undertaken by a learner was directly relevant to the destination. A governor queried progression to level 1 from entry level course, GS confirmed the number of learners progressing to level 1 was 690. A governor queried how this data reflected DWP data on student progression, noting that there can be differences between these data sets. A governor queried the progression from High Pavement, a distinction between those progressing between years 1 and year2 to those progressing onto HE would be useful. It would also be useful to track progression to the college’s HE provision. Governors queried the ability to track the intent of courses with destinations. GS noted the difficulties where learners were enrolled on more than one course, the data shared is that provided by learners. He confirmed that the college was seeking to compare the predicted destinations with the actuals. JS highlighted the impact of the data on the curriculum offer and the need for the college to meet local and regional need. 

5.4 November GCSE outcomes 

064 Governors reviewed the November GCSE results (distributed as L&Q.270223). CS confirmed lessons learnt from the absences. Governors were pleased to note the plans moving forward and for the clarity provided in the movement in grades achieved. A governor questioned whether a November resit entry was the best way forward. CS reflected that if a learner achieves a level 4 at that point they can concentrate on their main qualification for the remainder of the year. She confirmed that evidence would be reviewed to inform future decisions.

6.0 Teaching and Learning 

6.1 Report from director of TLD&I

065 In the absence of the Director of Teaching and Learning Development and Innovation MR took governors through the report (distributed as L&Q.270223.008). Governors considered the information contained in the report on the issues around completion of target setting and KAPs in engineering and automotive at some length. The need to ensure compliance across all areas was emphasised. MR highlighted the interventions in place, issues around the timely recording and submission of work were noted. 

Action: RP to update the committee on compliance with target setting and KAPs in engineering and automotive.


066 The committee was pleased to formally receive the inspection report (distributed as L&Q.270223.009). MR confirmed the college continues to follow the same QIP shared with inspectors and that as a result of the outcome of the report two new objectives have been added to the QIP (objectives 10 and 11) and objective 3 has been strengthened. The committee congratulated all involved in the college achieving the overall grade 2 at the inspection. All agreed that it was sensible to update the QIP and not to follow a post inspection action plan in addition to the QIP. The committee resolved to recommend to the Board for approval the actions added to the QIP and the course of action post Ofsted.

8.0 QIP 22/23 

8.1 QIP update 

067 The committee received the updated QIP (distributed as L&Q.270223.010). Discussion on the updates to the QIP was taken under item 7. 

8.2 QIP KAFI7 – tutorial programme 

068 Governors received an update on progress against the key points in KAFI7 followed by a presentation on the tutorial programme for 22/23 presented by SN (distributed as L&Q.270223.011). Governors were invited to attend the Social Action Project Showcase planned for June 2023 (Action CS/SN). A governor asked what information parents can access through the parent portal to support attendance. 

Action CS – to bring an example to the meeting of what parents can access through the parent portal to support attendance. A governor asked how parents are made aware of key assessment points and progress reviews. CS confirmed targets are shared through the parent portal and a report is sent in term 2. Governors thanked SN for the informative presentation. 

LW joined the meeting

9.0 Student Safety and Wellbeing 

9.1 Report from Director Student Services 

069 The committee received the report (distributed as L&Q.220323.012). Governors reflected on recent incidents in the locality of the City Hub. A governor asked if the college was linked in with community protection officers. RW confirmed the college had links in place and that these were supportive. AK offered support if the college needed to reach out to any specific community groups. RW reflected on the increased workload for additional learner support. A governor sought confirmation that the college had adequate capacity and resources. RW confirmed that this was in place for the current year, and that need would be reviewed ahead of 23/24. AK left the meeting. 

9.2 Safeguarding Report Q2

070 RW presented the report (distributed as L&Q.270223.013). She highlighted recent incidents in the local community and across county lines that have spilled over into college life particularly in the city centre and in the Nottingham north area. RW advised that tutorials have been effective in addressing the issues raised and have moved to different topics as required. The positive relationship with the police was noted. The safeguarding link governor confirmed that she had been kept informed of incidents.

5.2 Report from Executive Director Employer Services 

071 LW took governors through her report (distributed as L&Q.270223.005). Governors were pleased to note the positive outcomes of recent funding bid activity. A governor queried the relatively small number of new starts on the new dental course. LW advised that whilst this wasn’t ideal those students were internal progressors who had all wanted to start ahead of the intended start date of 23/24. A governor queried the current position with the implementation of new software to track and monitor apprenticeships. LW confirmed that implementation work for OneFile is well advanced. A governors asked if the college would continue to have PEDs, LW confirmed that this position would continue for at least another 12 months but this the volume was expected to drop this year and more significantly next year. A governor noted the decrease in the numbers of apprenticeship starts, LW confirmed that this is reflected across the sector and has been impacted by the general economic picture and government policy. AC noted work underway to look at the impact of this and to increase AEB delivery.

10.0 Learner and Employer Voice 

072 The committee received the outcome of the HE student survey (distributed as L&Q.270223.014). LW confirmed that meetings have been planned with HE students to review the outcomes of the survey. Governors noted the low response rate. LW confirmed the strategies that had been undertaken to encourage participation. It was confirmed that the NSS is currently out for completion with a 30th April deadline. Governors suggested that students should be encouraged to complete that. LW to provide an update on completion to the next meeting (Action LW)

11.0 Subcontracting Strategy

073 LW presented the updated subcontracting strategy (distributed as L&Q.270223.015). She confirmed that this has been aligned to the ESFA’s new subcontracting standard and provided additional clarity to external stakeholders. The committee resolved to recommend the subcontracting strategy to the Board for approval.

12.0 Policies

074 The committee reviewed the following policies and resolved to recommend to Board for approval: 
12.1 FE Apprenticeships Admissions Policy (distributed as L&Q.270223.016) 
12.2 HE Attendance Policy (distributed as L&Q.270223.017) 
12.3 HE Fees Policy (distributed as L&Q.270223.020)

13.0 Review of Risks 

075 The committee noted the risks included in the curriculum and quality section of the risk register (distributed as L&Q.270223.018) and confirmed that the agenda and reports reflected those risks. Governors noted the updates to the risks identified.

14.0 Agenda Items for the Next Meeting 

076 The committee reviewed and approved the agenda items planned for the next meeting (distributed as L&Q.270223.019).

15.0 Any Other Business 

077 The Chair thanked all for their contributions to the meeting.