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Name Job Title
Anja Beriro (Chair) (AB) External Member
Patricia Harman (PH) External Member
Janet Smith (JS) CEO/Principal
Carole Thorogood (CT) Chair of the Board

In attendance:

Name Job Title
Andy Comyn (AC) Deputy CEO / CFO
Debbie Hinbest (DH) Director of People and Development Services
Rachel Robson (RR) Director of Governance
Jo Welham (JW) Governance and Corporate Support Manager
Gareth Sykes (GS) Interim Director of Quality & Performance
James Woodthorpe (JWo) Head of People Services
Debra French (DF) People Services Project Manager

1.0 Apologies

041 Apologies were received from Sarah Akhtar, Kirsty Bailey and Andrew Unitt.

2.0 Declarations of Interest

042 Interests Declared:

  • JS declared the following interests:
    • CEO/Principal Nottingham College
    • Trustee and Board Members of Skills and Education Group (SEG), awarding organisation and charity
    • Ofsted Inspector
    • Member of D2N2 LEP Principals’ Group

No other declarations of interest were received.

3.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

043 The Committee resolved that the non-confidential and confidential minutes of the meeting held on 20th February 2023 (distributed as W&D.100523.002 and 003) be approved as a true record.

4.0 Actions and Matters Arising

4.1 Action Tracker 

044 The Committee reviewed the open action tracker (distributed as W&D.100523.004): 20.02.23 Action 1 – the update on the progress of the response to the staff survey is included in the Termly People Services Report. Action closed. 

4.2 Matters Arising 

045 There were no matters arising.

5.0 People Services Termly Report 

046 DH presented the People Services Termly Report and highlighted the key points to governors (distributed as W&D.150523.005). A governor queried whether the new Thrive (HR and payroll) and LMS (learning management systems) were linked. DH confirmed that they are. JS highlighted to the committee the immense amount of work undertaken by DH and the people services team in the ‘textbook’ launch of Thrive. This has been introduced within a 6 month window and has received very positive feedback. 

047 DH provided an update on the current negotiations with unions. JS noted that in the previous year the unions had targeted colleges with good financial health, but that this year all colleges were susceptible to direct action. She explained to the committee the work that she has undertaken with colleagues and union representatives to increase the understanding around the college’s financial position. 

048 Governors were very interested in the development of the new performance development framework and the learning & development strategy within that framework. The benefits from this approach were considered with the benefits from this kind of conversation noted. 

049 The progress made in the implementation of the People Strategy in year 1 was reviewed.

6.0 Turnover and Absence 

050 The Committee received the Turnover and Absence Review (distributed as W&D.100523.006) for the period 1st March 2022 to 13th April 2023. JW noted that turnover is now at 15.4% which is inline with benchmarks for the sector and is the best position for the college since pre-pandemic. 

051 A governor queried the outcomes of the leaving well meetings and how that information is utilised to support retention. JWo confirmed that the main reasons given are where staff are head hunted for better roles or are leaving the sector as the rewards are better elsewhere. He confirmed that through Thrive the college is working to ensure that staff are aware of their full rewards entitlements. A governor queried the value of the ‘VivUp’ benefits scheme. JWo confirmed that this could be worth a significant amount and that colleagues are reminded to sign up for that. The hidden benefits are being made more visible and that work is part of the wider employer brand work. Changes to the new car scheme were noted. A governor queried the impact of the move from Medigold to Thrive for absence reporting. JWo confirmed that it is hoped that this change will lead to more visibility and an increase in understanding. 

DF joined the meeting

7.0 EDI Annual Report, Policy and Action plan 

052 Governors considered the EDI Report, Policy and action plan (distributed as W&D.100523.007) After much discussion the committee requested that further attention be given to the annual report and action plan ahead of the Board being asked to approve for publication. It was noted that in future years this would be brought to the Board at an earlier point in the year as the data contained in the report relates to the previous academic year. It was agreed that updates would be made to the report and that this would then be reviewed by the Learning & Quality Committee ahead of approval by the Board. 

053 The committee reviewed the policy and resolved to recommend to Board for approval.

8.0 Risk 

036 The Committee reviewed the People and Change section of the college risk register (distributed as W&D.010323.011). 

037 DH updated the committee fully on an ongoing issue with a member of staff. The committee noted the process being undertaken.

9.0 AOB 

038 The Chair advised that the Board would be asked to consider a change in the committee structure for 23/24 noting that this was therefore likely to be the last meeting of this committee. She thanked all involved with the committee over the last 2 years.

The Chair closed the meeting at 7.04pm.