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Name Job Title
Anja Beriro (Chair) (AB) External member
Patricia Harman (PH) External member
Andrew Unitt (AU) External member
Janet Smith (JS) CEO/Principal
Kirsty Bailey (KB) Staff governor

In attendance:

Name Job Title
Andy Comyn (AC) Deputy CEO / CFO
Debbie Hinbest (DH) Director of People and Development Services
Rachel Robson (RR) Director of Governance
Jo Welham (JW) Governance and Corporate Support Manager
Debra French (DF)

1.0 Apologies

021 Apologies were received from Carole Thorogood and Sarah Akhtar.

2.0 Declarations of Interest

022 Interests declared:

  • JS declared the following interests: 
    • CEO/Principal Nottingham College 
    • Trustee and Board Members of Skills and Education Group (SEG), awarding organisation and charity 
    • Ofsted Inspector 
    • Member of D2N2 LEP Principals’ Group KB – member of staff (item 10) 

No other declarations of interest were received.

3.0 Minutes 

3.1 Minutes of the previous meeting 

023 The Committee resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2022 (distributed as W&D.010323.002) be approved as a true record. 

3.2 Written resolution 

024 The committee noted that one decision via written resolution had been taken since the last meeting (distributed as W&D.010323.003), the committee had resolved to recommend the updated LGPS Discretions Policy to the Board for approval.

4.0 Actions and Matters Arising 

4.1 Action Tracker 

025 The Committee reviewed the open action tracker (distributed as W&D.010323.004): 
07.11.22 Action 1 – DH confirmed that she had reviewed withdrawals after job offers had been made. She advised that 10 withdrawals have take place since August, the reasons varied and included changes in circumstances, accepting an alternative role and 2 that did not reply after being offered the role. Action complete. 
07.11.22 Action 2 - DH confirmed that the People Strategy was now available on StaffNet. Action complete. 

4.2 Matters Arising 

026 There were no matters arising.

5.0 People Services Termly Report 

027 DH presented the People Services Termly Report and highlighted the key points to governors (distributed as W&D.010323.005). Governors reviewed updates on KPIs, initiatives and strategy. DH confirmed that the college had won the Beacon Award in mental health and wellbeing, the committee congratulated all staff involved. DH noted that the announcement has already led to requests from other colleges to visit and to support a webinar for the AoC.

6.0 Turnover and Absence 

028 The Committee received the Turnover and Absence Review (distributed as W&D.010322.006) for the period 1st February 2022 to 30th January 2023. DH highlighted the decrease in staff turnover, noting a further drop was likely as there had been very few leavers during February. 

029 Governors noted the decrease in the rate of absence for the 12 month period of the report. DH highlighted the work underway to ensure that managers undertake wellbeing conversations with colleagues on their return to work. She noted the move to a more proactive and supportive space. A governor noted that the data provided is more useful when shown in percentages of staff rather than absolute numbers. 

030 A governor queried the salary cost reported noting this was above that reported in the previous report. AC confirmed that this was expected to decrease by year end and confirmed that the controlled management of that was under review. 

DF joined the meeting

7.0 People Strategy 

031 DF presented the People Strategy update (distributed as W&D.010323.007). The progress made against year 1 actions was noted. A governor queried how staff feedback is received. DF confirmed that internal meetings monitor progress, the strategy is viewed as a living document. AB, link governor for EDI, reflected on the rich conversation at EDI committee meetings. A governor noted the number of actions scheduled for completion in year 1 and queried whether the team were confident of completing all of those. DF confirmed that the most significant actions were underway and that the team were confident that most actions scheduled to complete in year 1 would be completed. At the next internal meeting the team will review and challenge progress. DH confirmed that actions viewed as at risk are identified and work implemented to resolve any issues.

8.0 Staff Survey 

032 The Committee received an overview of the b-Heard Employee Engagement Survey (distributed as W&D.010323.008). DF noted the increase in the percentage of staff that completed the survey compared to the previous staff survey, though this remains under the aspirational target set. A different approach will be considered at the next survey to hopefully raise the number further. DF highlighted schemes that have been launched to support employees in a range of ways. 

033 Governors considered the data in the report and asked how the responses are being utilised. DF confirmed that the data was being analysed to identify key themes and to lead to an action plan. A governor queried how the college will seek to cut across the organisation to fully understand how the themes impact through the college and how to address the concerns raised. DH confirmed that business partners are speaking with all teams to understand the responses. Governors highlighted the need to identify the key issues with the biggest impact and to prioritise those areas. A governor noted areas of correlation between this survey and the outcome of the learner survey reported to Learning and quality Committee. DH confirmed that the correlation had been identified. The committee asked to be kept updated on progress of addressing outcomes via the People Services Termly Report. 

Action: DH to include an update on progress of response to the staff survey in the Termly People Services Report. SK joined the meeting. DF left the meeting

SK joined the meeting. DF left the meeting.

9.0 Gender Pay Gap

034 SK presented the Gender Pay Gap Report (distributed as W&D.010323.009). It was noted that the report sets out the position as at 30th March 2022. It was noted that recent changes to pay bands fall outside the report and will be included in the report to 30th March 2023. Governors considered the trends identified in the report. DH confirmed that clear actions are identified and will be progressed as a part of the People Strategy. 

The committee resolved to recommend to the board the gender pay gap statement at Appendix 1 of the report for approval and publication. 

SK left the meeting.

10.0 Pay and Recognition 

035 Governors reviewed the Pay and Recognition Review Report (distributed as W&D.010323.010). The report provided governors with a summary of actions agreed in 2022 in relation to incremental pay progression and pay scale amendments, sector and national pay information. The impact of the national minimum wage rise on pay differentials was noted. DH noted the investments made and the already agreed incremental point increase agreed with effect from September. Governors noted the issues in terms of what the college can afford and what it would like to do to increase rewards to staff.

11.0 Risk 

036 The Committee reviewed the People and Change section of the college risk register (distributed as W&D.010323.011). A governor reflected on the recent lockdown at the City Hub and any resulting responses in processes. AC confirmed that a review has already been undertaken, aspects that went well and areas for improvement have been identified with plans to test changes underway. DH confirmed that meetings were arranged after the event to provide support for colleagues.

12.0 AOB 

037 Discussion minuted as confidential.

13.0 Date of the Next Meeting

038 The next Workforce and Development Committee meeting will take place on Wednesday 10th May 2023 at 5.00pm. The Chair closed the meeting at 7.04pm