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Name Job Title
Anja Beriro (Chair) (AB) External Member
Sarah Akhtar (SA) External Member
Patricia Harman (PH) External Member
Andrew Unitt (AU) External Member
Janet Smith (JS) CEO/Principal
Kirsty Bailey (KB) Staff governor

In attendance:

Name Job Title
Andy Comyn (AC) Deputy CEO / CFO
Debbie Hinbest (DH) Director of People and Development Services
Rachel Robson (RR) Director of Governance
Jo Welham (JW) Governance and Corporate Support Manager

1.0 Apologies

001 Apologies were received from Carole Thorogood. SA and KB were welcomed to their first meeting, introductions were made.

2.0 Declarations of Interest

002 Interests Declared

  • JS declared the following interests
    • CEO/Principal Nottingham Colleg
    • Trustee and Board Members of Skills and Education Group (SEG), awarding organisation and charity
    • Ofsted Inspector
    • Member of D2N2 LEP Principals’ Group 
  • KB 
    • member of staff (item 10) 

No other declarations of interest were received

3.0 Committee Chair and Vice Chair 22/23 

003 The Committee resolved to appoint AB as Chair for 22/23. No Vice Chair was elected. Should AB be unable to attend a meeting the Committee will elect a Chair for that meeting.

4.0 MInutes of the Previous Meeting

004 The Committee resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 9th May 2022 (distributed as W&D.071122.002) be approved as a true record.

5.0 Actions and Matters Arising

5.1 Action Tracker 

005 The Committee reviewed the open action tracker (distributed as W&D.071122.003): 
21.02.22 Action 1: Learner EDI data included in DP Reports. Action complete. 
09.05.22 Action 1: Absence reporting included at item 5. Action complete. 
09.05.22 Action 2: Learners Strategy updated. Action complete. 

5.2 Matters Arising 

006 There were no matters arising.

6.0 People Services Termly Report

007 DH presented the People Services termly report and highlighted the key points to governors (distributed as W&D.071122.004). A governor noted the instances where candidates have withdrawn from the recruitment process shortly before joining the college, she asked if there were any common threads in the reasons for such late withdrawals. DH advised that 2 candidates had chosen to stay with their existing employer, possibly as a result of an improved offer. She confirmed that she would look at this data further and include any themes in the report to the next meeting. 

Action: DH – to report to the Committee on trends for successful candidates withdrawing from the recruitment process. 

008 A governor noted the number of new starts in the period covered by the report and asked if this was unusual. DH confirmed this was normal for the start of the academic year and noted that, in addition to turnover in existing posts, new roles had been created. A governor asked if there were any current concerns on pay. DH noted the agreement made earlier in the year and confirmed that it was likely that discussions would start again in February in readiness for September 2023. A governor asked if the current pay was impacted staff turnover. AC confirmed that it was necessary to market the total package available for every role. Governors considered the need to look at pay and recognition and noted the impact of job security, awards, ongoing learning and development. 

009 DH highlighted the work ongoing to ensure that colleagues are valued and appreciated. She noted the work undertaken in obtaining union agreement to the pay policy (item 10), and also highlighted the work being carried out to develop career pathways. 009 DH highlighted other key elements of the report. She noted the work underway to implement the new HR and Payroll system. Colleagues have chosen to name the system ‘Thrive.’ A governor asked if this system will self-service and supervisor services, DH confirmed that it will and will provide an increase in the levels of service from the current system. Governors noted the recent ‘I Am Seen, I AM Heard’ survey and subsequent listening groups. DH confirmed that the EDI Committee will look to develop a more detailed strategy. AB confirmed that she attends the EDI Committee as link governor for EDI. Further details will be brought to this Committee at a later meeting in the year.

7.0 Turnover and Absence 

010 The Committee received the Turnover and Absence review (distributed as W&D.071122.005) for the period 1st November 2021 to 10th October 2022. DH highlighted that current levels of both turnover and absence had reduced since the last reporting period. Governors were taken through data by directorate. A governor questioned the level of turnover in Employer Services. AC confirmed that this was being reviewed monthly, listening groups have taken place and lessons learned have been followed up. He confirmed that staff in this area have a high level of industry relevant technical knowledge, as a consequence they can choose to earn a more competitive salary working in industry. 

011 A governor noted the level of staff turnover and asked if work is undertaken to identify trends behind this. DH highlighted the work being undertaken in leaving well conversations., all colleagues are offered a conversation prior to leaving to identify any themes. 

012 Governors considered the absence data. DH explained the preventative work underway to provide mental health support for colleagues. A governor asked if line managers are provided with a checklist. DH confirmed that is available at present, but she highlighted the work and training planned to provide leaders with the skills needed.

8.0 People Strategy 

013 The Committee received an update to the People Strategy (distributed as W&D.071122.006). A governor asked if it was possible to identify which actions have had the most impact. DH confirmed that to date the actions implemented in business partnering and leadership development had had the greatest impact. AC noted the positive contribution being made to cultural change. He confirmed that cultural change would be the key strategy priority for the college. A governor questioned the plan for the launch of the People Strategy. DH confirmed that a soft launch had been undertaken with workshops and drop-in sessions, this would now be followed by publication via StaffNet. 

Action: DH – upload People Strategy to StaffNet

9.0 Employee Relations

014 DH took the Committee through the report on current cases and on findings and learnings from recent cases (distributed as W&D.071122.007) A governor confirmed that greater context within future reports would be useful. A governor asked if learning points feed into staff training. DH confirmed that learning is shared and mandatory training for leaders is implemented where required. Governors raised questions on the nature and any themes running through claims and questioned whether these related to protected characteristics. DH explained the cases in greater detail and advised that no common themes had been identified.

10.0 Policies 

015 The Committee reviewed the Pay Policy (distributed as W&D.071122.008). DH confirmed that the policy forms a part of the college pay and recognition strategy and has been developed in full consultation with trade unions and in accordance with trade union collective agreements. The policy had been checked with college legal advisors. A governor noted section 8 and queried the review of recruitment and retention payments. DH confirmed that it is intended to reserve the right to review. The Committee resolved to recommend the policy to the Board by approval via written resolution. 

016 DH confirmed that the annual review of the LGPS Discretions Policy was due for review and that this would follow via email for recommendation to Board for approval.

11.0 Risk

017 The Committee reviewed the People and Change section of the college risk register (distributed as W&D.071122.009). Governors discussed risk P&C8 and the need to ensure compliance throughout the organisation.

12.0 Committee Business

018 The committee reviewed its Terms of Reference and the proposed Business Schedule for 22-23 (distributed as W&D.071122.010). The committee resolved to recommend the Terms of Reference and Business Schedule to the board for approval. The committee resolved to approve the self-assessment questionnaire which will be circulated following the meeting.

13.0 AOB

019 There was no other business.

14.0 Date of the Next Meeting

020 The next Workforce and Development Committee meeting will take place on Monday 20th February 2023 at 5.00pm. 

The Chair closed the meeting at 6.38pm