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Enquiry about Results

If you are unhappy about an exam result, you can request a clerical re-check of marking (‘review of results’) or request the marked paper (‘access to scripts’). 

Your grade can go down as well as up. A review is the standard speed service for any student. A priority review is a quicker service for students whose place at a university or other higher education institution depends on the outcome.

You can request these services for individual units or components.

Awarding bodies will only accept applications for reviews of marking from centres and not from candidates or their parents. 

What services are available?

A clerical re-check of a marked paper will make sure that:

  • all pages have been marked
  • all marks have been counted
  • result matches the marks on the paper

How long it takes

A clerical re-check takes up to 10 calendar days.

If you request a review or priority review of marking:

  • it includes a clerical re-check
  • a second examiner will review the paper/recording again to identify genuine marking errors or unreasonable marking
  • make sure all marks are counted

How long it takes

Up to 20 calendar days for a review of marking. Up to 15 calendar days for a priority review of marking.

This service is only available for whole subjects, not individual students. This would be in agreement and submitted by teaching staff.

This is a review of the original moderation to ensure that the assessment criteria have been fairly, reliably and consistently applied. It is not a re-moderation of candidates’ work.

Candidate consent is not required.

Where a review of marking is for A-Level, candidates will be informed that reviews of moderation may not necessarily be completed to meet individual Universities’ deadlines.

Changes to candidates’ results arising from a review of moderation cannot lead to a subsequent late request for a review of marking of a written examination component.

Disposal of scripts

Where teachers have used copies of candidates’ scripts for teaching and learning purposes but no longer wish to retain them, the centre will ensure that the scripts are disposed of in a confidential manner.

This is a photocopy or scanned copy of the marked exam paper that you can use to decide whether to request a review of marking or clerical re-check.

Priority copies aren’t available for some externally assessed units

Centre staff may request access to original or scanned copy of marked papers to use for teaching and learning purposes. A Candidate consent form for access must be signed by the candidate, which must be retained for six months.

Awarding bodies will send out original papers once the post-results deadline has passed.


Fees for post-results services (Access to Scripts, clerical re-checks, reviews of marking and reviews of moderation) are set independently by each awarding body and must be paid to Nottingham College before any applications can be submitted to the Awarding body on your behalf. 

For clerical check and reviews of marking, the fee will only be refunded if overall subject grades are amended, whether upwards or downwards.

Please note fees are per paper. Priority services are not available for all qualifications

Submission of requests

Complete the consent form below, which carries with it confirmation to the awarding body that the centre has obtained written consent.

All consent forms received will be acknowledged within 5 working days. You will receive information on fees due and details on how to make payment.

If contact and payment is not made until after the deadline for submission of post-results services, Nottingham College is not obliged to proceed with the application.

Requests received after the closing date will not be accepted. 

Outcome of enquiries

The outcome of each enquiry will be confirmed by the respective awarding body.

The awarding body will provide a reason for the decision of a review of marking. If the mark has changed the reason will either be that an administrative error had occurred or there was a marking error.

The outcome of the enquiry will be posted to the candidate by the centre.

Where a grade changes and a certificate has previously been issued, a replacement will be provided showing the revised grade once the candidate has returned the original certificate to the awarding body.

UCAS will be advised of any changes to GCE qualification grades.

Where there has been a reduction in marks or downgrade following a review of marking, the request cannot be revoked and the original mark or grade will not be reinstated.

If Nottingham College has concerns about one of its component/​subject cohorts, then a request for reviews of marking for all candidates they believe to be affected will be submitted.

Nottingham College will obtain written candidate consent for reviews of marking after the publication of results, as with these services, candidates’ marks and subject grades may be lowered.

Candidates must be aware of this possible outcome and provide written consent before an application is submitted. Written consent from the candidate is also acceptable by email.

All consent forms or emails from candidates will be retained and kept for six months following the outcome of the review of marking or any subsequent appeal.

Where an awarding body initiates investigation action candidates’ marks and subject grades are not automatically protected. Candidates’ marks and subject grades may therefore be lowered, confirmed or raised.

Grade boundaries