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At Nottingham College, we have an extensive careers education programme.

It is important that we prepare our students to become aware of themselves as individuals, to be fully aware of opportunities available to them and to have the skills to be able to make decisions about their own life and their transition to the world beyond Nottingham College. It is to these aspects of personal and social development, that our students will engage in a progressive careers programme whilst they are a student at the college.

Each faculty is committed to providing a variety ( tailored to individuals) of rich experiences, including, encounters with employers and employees, a curriculum which embeds careers learning in curriculum learning, experiences of workplaces and work experience placements, encounters with further and higher education including Apprenticeships and other technical education opportunities and high quality personal guidance which addresses individual needs.

The programme below outlines the wide range of activities that students can engage with across their time studying with us: 

  • Personal Branding
    • This introduces what a personal brand is and how to communicate it to employers, universities and clients. It covers how to audit your social media presence and networking.
  • Apprenticeship workshops
    • This workshop covers what an apprenticeship is, different apprenticeship levels, the benefits of an apprenticeship and where to find an apprenticeship.
  • Next steps
    • Alternatives to university- Explore options following your current level 3 course such as stepping into employment/apprenticeships, taking a gap year, doing a HE course at College, volunteering and studying another college course.
  • Employability Skills workshop
    • This session will introduce students to what employability skills are and how to make yourself more employable.
  • Volunteering workshop
    • Volunteering is a great way to gain work experience and learn employability skills that employers are looking for, you can also give back to your local community, meet new people and gain confidence. It gives you a chance to experience a new role in a sector of interest.
  • Work experience/placements
    • Students will apply for work experience opportunities relating to their course of study and their career aspirations. These opportunities can be sourced from the college work experience portal or their own network of contacts/ part time employment ( as long as its relevant to their course of study). Each student should aim to complete at least 30 hrs of work placement across the year. Some students will undertake extended work placements where they are studying technical qualifications. All students taking part will be supported to apply for positions, prepare for any interviews, become aware of Health & safety requirements and how to travel to employers premises. After the placement they will be encouraged to reflect on the placement experience and to log the experience and skills acquired on CV’s.
  • CV writing and Introduction to Career coach CV builder
    • This workshop highlights the key areas of a CV using the Career coach CV builder as well as dos and don’ts when writing your CV to make it as professional as possible. Provide students with industry specific examples to compare design and format.
  • CV review and mastering your personal profile
    • Students must have a working CV and will get the opportunity to look at industry specific personal statements to compare the key words used. Then developing their own personal statement using key information.
  • Making sense of the job description/person specification
    • Students will look at industry specific roles advertised and look at the key skills and qualities employers want in candidates. What education do they need to have achieved and do the company offer career and pay progression over time.
  • Job searching
    • Understand the legal requirements regarding when a young person can leave school. Discover the different approaches to job hunting that will help you get your dream job. Think about the profile of an ideal job for you. Learn where to find further information about jobs and apprenticeships according to what industry you want to go into.
  • Cover letter workshop
    • What is a cover letter and why is it different to a CV? Why would you send a cover letter as part of an application? Students can compare good and bad cover letters including format.
  • Interview skills workshop
    • This workshop prepares students for an interview by highlighting how to make a good first impression, the importance of non-verbal communication in an interview and key questions employers may ask. Students will learn how to be confident with your answers.
  • Mock interview workshop
    • After focusing on a specific job advert students will practice key questions and then have the opportunity to experience the interview process by being interviewed by a member of staff portraying a member of HR or manager from the company applied for.
  • Job Searching for Adults 19+
    • This workshop will explore the changing face of the job market and help you to broaden your job searching techniques whilst picking up some key tips. Find out which local employers have the most vacancies, which job roles are in growth and which skills are most in demand.
  • How to ace application forms 19+
    • If you’ve filled in 100 applications and not had many replies this workshop is for you. Find out what employers are looking for and how they do their shortlisting.
  • Introduction to Higher Education
    • This workshop covers how to prepare for the next step, the benefits of going to university, HE options available.
  • UCAS key points and how to start your application
    • This workshop provides an overview of the UCAS process including how to research, the application process, university responses, deadlines and UCAS Extra, Clearing and Adjustment.
  • How to choose a course and University
    • The workshop aims to prepare students for their next step by identifying factors to consider when choosing a suitable course and university.
  • Personal statement workshop
    • This workshop covers what to include in a personal statement and how to structure their statement. They also look at some examples of personal statements and discuss their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Personal statement Drop in check
    • Students are offered one to one support to develop their personal statements from November to December, in time for the UCAS deadline in January.
  • MMI (Multi Mini Interviews)
    • Multi Mini Interviews is an interview format typically used in medicine and teaching as it contains short assessments typically on a circuit. We offer advice on how to prepare for theses as well as a similar experience of this interview process.
  • Student Finance for university
    • This session covers the process in full: how and when to apply, eligibility, budgeting, bursaries, special support and DSA.
  • Higher Education at Nottingham College
    • This workshop discusses the benefits of college based Higher Education. It identifies the different qualifications and pathways available as well as giving an overview of the UCAS and student finance processes.
  • Jobs of the future and where are the jobs in my local area (LMI)
    • Ever wondered what the Jobs of the Future might look like? Navigating the world of careers can be bewildering - how can you future-proof your career? This session looks at trend-predictions; what's important now, and in the years ahead, and the skills we will need to progress. An interesting and thought-provoking session.
  • Introduction to LinkedIn
    • LinkedIn is the largest business networking website geared specifically towards the world of work. How can you stand out with your profile and attract employers? This valuable session introduces you to career networking using social media.
  • Inspirational Speakers- raising aspirations and challenging stereotypes
    • Guest speakers will inspire and motivate students to reach the next level and think about opportunities that they might not have considered. By sharing their experiences and practices students will gain an insight into industry workers.
  • Using social media to find opportunities 19+
    • If you are stuck in a rut looking at the same old job-hunting websites, come along to this workshop where we demonstrate how you can use different social media platforms to be ahead of the game and let the vacancies come to you
  • Future me – careers conference
    • This whole college virtual careers conference provides opportunities for students to have encounters with employers virtually through a team platform, allowing students to understand the world of work through an employee’s eyes. It will provide insights into industries that the student may not have an opportunity to engage with and network with a broad range of employers, including apprenticeships providers. This conference also provides a variety of employability workshops for students to take part in to support their career management.
  • Faculty specific careers fairs
    • A variety of faculty specific careers fairs run throughout the spring/ summer term to support students to research progression opportunities such as further training, Apprenticeships and Higher education, employment opportunities and internships for students with SEND needs.
  • 1:1 Careers Guidance sessions
    • 1:1 careers guidance interviews are accessed by students with our team of qualified Careers advisers throughout the year. The daily appointments are bookable via any reception/ personal tutor/ Achievement coach or by ringing the contact centre. These 1:1 interviews will have a particular focus around key transition points such as UCAS applications, Progression points and enrolment and induction events and are completely impartial and student centred.
  • Self-awareness
    • This workshop helps student to think about their personal skills and qualities and includes completing the Careers Coach Assessment.
  • How to ace application forms 19+
    • If you’ve filled in 100 applications and not had many replies this workshop is for you. Find out what employers are looking for and how they do their shortlisting.
  • Gaining Experience 19+
    • How do you get a job with little/no experience and how do you get experience if no-one will give you a job? This workshop explores ways you can find opportunities to gain experience to help you boost your CV and plug those skills gaps.